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Classroom Experience

Education Technology

The Power of Data: 8 Ways Data-Driven Solutions Benefit K-12 Schools

In the digital age, data has become the backbone of decision-making and progress across the education industry. Explore some of the top benefits of investing in data-driven solutions for your school in this blog.
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How ChatGPT Is Influencing K-12 Schools

Since its release, ChatGPT has been making the rounds online and creating important discussions around AI and its impact on education. Though it’s only been around for less than a year, it has educators both embracing it and fearing it at the same time.

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Education Technology

Strengthening Parent-School Relationships Through Improved School Safety

In today's world, ensuring the safety and security of students is paramount for both schools and parents. Read on for tips from our partner Pikmykid on creating a strong school safety plan that can strengthen relationships between your institution and the families it serves.
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5 Ways Schools Can Foster a Positive Mental Health Culture

The World Health Organization estimates that close to 20% of students are actively dealing with a mental health issue. Now, more than ever, it’s important for schools to create a positive mental health culture. In honor of May being Mental Health Month, here are some tips for educators.
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Education Technology

Making the Most of Parent Scheduler

Did you know that you could use Parent Scheduler in FACTS SIS for more than just scheduling conferences? Here are some of our favorite ways to use this feature for even more in the classroom.
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5 Benefits of Volunteering at Your Children’s School

Your involvement makes school a better place for your child, their peers, and other parents in the school’s community! For April’s National Volunteer Month, we're sharing some of the unexpected benefits of volunteering in your child’s school or classroom.
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Education Services

The Underrated Tool for Battling Teacher Fatigue

Grading takes up a large amount of time and contributes to teacher fatigue. FACTS SIS’ Gradebook saves time for teachers and administrators.

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Education Technology

Preparing Children for School Emergencies

Making sure students are ready for an emergency on campus isn’t a responsibility just for schools. Here are some of our top tips for helping your children feel ready to face the unexpected.
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Easing Back-to-School Anxiety for K-12 Students

Children of all ages can experience back-to-school anxiety. Try some of these helpful tips to make the transition back to the classroom as smooth as possible.
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