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Financial Management

Financial Management

How Partnerships Can Transform Your School’s Grant and Aid

What’s the difference between a software provider and a partner? Here’s a quick comparison.
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Education Technology

5 Tools to Help Schools Celebrate Earth Day, Every Day

Did you know schools have been at the center of Earth Day from the very beginning? Here are five tools that can help school administrative offices reduce paper usage and continue to celebrate Earth Day in 2024 and beyond.
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Financial Management

How Schools Can Solve 3 Financial Aid Challenges

Managing the financial aid assessment process can be time-consuming. Here’s how the right software can turn common frustrations into successes.

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Education Services

Beyond EANS and ESSER: Embracing Title Funds for Sustainable School Success

As we approach September 2024, private school administrators are bracing for the expiration of both Emergency Assistance to Non-Public Schools (EANS) and Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) funds.

Read More about Beyond EANS and ESSER: Embracing Title Funds for Sustainable School Success about Beyond EANS and ESSER: Embracing Title Funds for Sustainable School Success
Education Technology

How to Improve Your School’s Data Efficiency

The goal of data is to help schools make their day-to-day operations easier, but that isn't always how it works out. The key to getting this info to work as hard as you do? Data efficiency. Here are some ways to get started.
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Financial Management

Product Deep Dive: FACTS Grant & Aid Assessment

Think you know FACTS Grant & Aid Assessment? Think again. Here are just some of the extensive features of this powerful platform that you may not know about.
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Financial Management

Grant & Aid Tips: Getting Ready for the Financial Aid Application Year

To set yourself up for a successful financial aid application year, it's important to review your Grant & Aid setup before the business of admissions season really hits. Here’s how to get started.
Read More about Grant & Aid Tips: Getting Ready for the Financial Aid Application Year about Grant & Aid Tips: Getting Ready for the Financial Aid Application Year
Financial Management

Top Elevate Sessions for Business Managers

Have you started planning your schedule for Elevate 2023 yet? To help you get started, we've handpicked some sessions perfect for the Business Manager in your school.
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Financial Management

Getting Started with FACTS

Whether you’re just getting started with FACTS or looking to refresh your skills, it’s important to have a resource to turn to for basic training. Learn more about the New Contact Training center and what modules are available for users.
Read More about Getting Started with FACTS about Getting Started with FACTS