Health & Wellbeing

Providing students with a balanced education is about more than academic outcomes. Support student wellbeing with tools to track behaviour, guidance, health and safety securely.

Confidently Support Every Student and Your Community

Behaviour Management

Maintains comprehensive records and helps effectively monitor student conduct – both positive and negative. Supports positive development, and maintains a safe and supportive learning environment.

Guidance Management

Designed with school counsellors, the guidance module securely tracks student wellbeing, manages counselling, schedules, notes, and referrals, and ensures privacy, compliance, and progress tracking.

Health & Safety Tracking

Don’t let important health and safety incident reporting get lost in a paper trail. Log incidents for students, staff, and the community, ensuring compliance, timely alerts, and detailed reporting.

FACTS School Management Supports:

an apple on top of a stack of school books


Better Records. Better Care.

With FACTS School Management, take a comprehensive approach to managing student behaviour and wellbeing. Our flexible, configurable system makes it easy to maintain thorough student records by eliminating the need for a paper trail and significantly decreasing concerns for security and confidentiality.

  • Actionable Analytics

    Leverage the system’s robust student behaviour analytics to trigger necessary actions, and set up permissions for actions that require sign-off.

  • Configurable to Your Needs

    Your school and students are unique. With FACTS, you can configure guidance and student wellbeing workflows to meet your specific needs.

  • Easy to Maintain Confidentiality

    Get peace of mind that all confidential student information is protected. FACTS allows you to designate authorised personnel for each student’s record.

Ready to Start the Conversation?

We’ll help you take care of the how, so you have more time to focus on your why.