Professional Development Topic Category

Digital Learning

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In the flipped online classroom, teachers learn to meet the needs of all learners through distance and virtual learning. Teachers are given strategies to flip their classroom, as well as tips to flip student learning. Teachers will be able to use techniques learned to support all learners, including those with learning difficulties and advanced students.

In this webinar, Marcey Ayers will share best practices and resources for the K-12 flipped classroom, how teachers can flip their classroom using online tools and platforms, and strategies for meeting the needs of all learners.

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This three part series will explore essential EdTech topics alongside actionable tips and favorite tools. Join one or all three! Learn about the “value add” of using digital tools for assessment and collaboration with students. In this session, you’ll explore the tools and the strategies for checking for understanding and supporting students as they work together with their peers.

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This three-part series will explore essential EdTech topics alongside actionable tips and favorite tools. Join one or all three! Learn strategies for supporting students as creators and how to design learning activities for movie making, ebook design, website building, podcasting, and more. In this session, you’ll explore how to support students as creators.

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This three-part series will explore essential EdTech topics alongside actionable tips and favorite tools. Join one or all three! Learn about free and low-cost resources for student consumers that connect to reading, viewing, and listening experiences students have online. In this session, you’ll explore the tools and the strategies for curating content for students.

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This session will discuss critical considerations related to eLearning including student data privacy and the accessibility of instructional materials. Educational leaders should not only be aware of federal and state student data privacy laws but also how to implement them. In addition, ensuring that all learners receive accessible educational materials (AEM) and learning opportunities in a timely manner is not only part of federal and state requirements but essential for quality teaching practices to support all learners. Accessible presentations, videos and documents often better support all users even those without identified disabilities.

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During this session, we will explore resources to help you design, implement, and assess powerful learning while using elements of PBL in the blended learning environment. You will explore the BIE (PBL Works) Gold Standards, discover ways to climb Bloom’s hierarchy, and take a journey through sites that support a single PBL Unit… or possibly bring some of those PBL Gold Standards out in a single lesson. Walk away with some quick wins that will enable you to take small steps in a journey toward authentic and engaging student centered learning.

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In this session, we’ll explore Nearpod together and learn how to create interactive presentations. You will see how to design a lesson, modify premade lessons, and incorporate formative assessments. Learn how to make a learning experience engaging for students in a classroom or distance learning setting while checking for understanding and providing multiple ways for students to show what they know. Participants will leave this session with an introduction to Nearpod and an understanding of how it can be used in a high school setting.

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This session will provide an overview of specific formative assessment and checking for understanding strategies. Specifically, we will explore the basics of Google Forms and how Google forms and the Quiz feature can be used to implement formative assessments. This session is great for those who are interested in using Google Forms, obtaining ready to use formative assessment prompts or both.

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This session will provide an overview of specific formative assessment and checking for understanding strategies. Specifically, we will explore the basics of Google Forms and how Google forms and the Quiz feature can be used to implement formative assessments. This session is great for those who are interested in using Google Forms, obtaining ready to use formative assessment prompts or both.