Professional Development Topic Category

English Language Learners

About This Topic

This vocabulary workshop drills down into research on teaching vocabulary development and its startling impact on ELLs. Attendees are shown new ideas to enhance the most important area of language arts.

Research-grounded, fun, and brimming with exciting activities that transfer immediately into a classroom, this popular training has received accolades nationwide.

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This exciting offering helps teachers of ELLs use technology to scaffold students to their highest potential.

ELL teachers are exposed to apps and other technology proven to motivate students learning English, thus increasing the potential for their academic success.

Don’t miss this opportunity to enhance teaching with technology, and the learning of students, when it’s their turn with the computer or iPad.

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These nationally available two-, four-, or six-day teacher workshops include ELL teacher training to help turn the language development classroom into a language acquisition powerhouse.

This course includes background information on language acquisition, cooperative learning techniques to enhance oral and written output, authentic assessment strategies, and much more!

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Some ELLs need additional instructional support beyond mainstream instruction. This workshop shares guidelines for effective tier I instruction of ELLs, as well as research-based strategies for providing tier II and tier III interventions.

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At some point in every ELL teacher’s career, a student will present him/herself as one who struggles.

Reach ELLs by enhancing tier I universal instruction, and gain tier II interventions that scaffold ELLs with content as they are acquiring English.

Finally, learn the sometimes subtle differences between a student with a specific learning disability versus a student who is struggling in his or her new language.

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Feedback is an essential part of the learning process. As ELLs develop content, language, knowledge, and skills, teachers need to be mindful about the proficiency levels of their students.

Teachers must also understand the appropriate time and way to provide feedback. This workshop includes ideas on how and when to provide feedback to ELLs on both content and language learning.

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The population of ELLs is rapidly increasing in our schools. This workshop reviews some of the foundational knowledge regarding ELLs, such as language acquisition and proficiency levels.

This course also emphasizes a variety of instructional techniques that teachers can easily implement in the classroom to help ELLs, and all students, be more academically successful.

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Learn must-have, research-proven strategies to help ELLs succeed. This engaging and informative workshop shows why rigorous vocabulary development is so important, plus how to generally maximize time spent with ELLs.

Discover exciting ways to use music and movement to teach content. Come away with understanding the rationale for writing language objectives, dynamic strategies for reading comprehension, ideas for writing with ELLs that will motivate them, and know how to foster higher-order thinking skills in an ELL classroom.

Additional resources for advanced strategies may be available.

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Assessment is a critical part of teaching and learning. For ELLs, it is crucial that we assess students in a way that allows them to demonstrate their knowledge of content and language.

A variety of formative and summative assessment strategies, as well as ways to differentiate assessments for students at differing proficiency levels, are presented throughout this workshop.