Professional Development Topic Category

English Language Learners

About This Topic

Making instruction comprehensible to ELLs and all students is a critical skill of a competent educator.

This workshop provides practical strategies for making content, language, and literacy instruction more accessible and comprehensible with standards in mind.

About This Topic

Close reading, as required by the Common Core State Standards, can be especially difficult for ELLs who need additional support in order to be successful.

This workshop highlights several of the challenges in implementing close reading with ELLs and presents potential solutions to these challenges.

About This Topic

This training workshop is designed to help teachers understand formative and summative assessments, what assessments should and should not be graded, and how to use homework to a student’s advantage.

Learn how to use assessment to drive instruction, plus strategies for teaching students how to prepare for, and anticipate the content of, every type of assessment they will face.