Professional Development Topic Category

Instructional Technology

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Mobile devices are transforming the classroom, but how do those individual classroom transformations happen? How do those transformations impact an entire school or district?

The most important single factor in determining the success of a mobile device program is professional development. This involves putting together a cohesive and comprehensive professional development plan in coordination with a mobile device roll out.

This leverages teacher buy-in to create a collaborative atmosphere that will facilitate the success of a 1:1 mobile device program and have a sustained, long-term impact far beyond the devices themselves.

The goal of iTeach Academy’s mobile device bootcamp is to “train the trainer.”

By offering an intensive training model, participants leave with the knowledge and resources necessary to be mobile device professional development leaders in their own schools or districts.

Training is presented for educators by educators, allowing for participants to learn from their peers currently working in classrooms using the mobile device in a 1:1 environment.

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Providing students with timely feedback is vital in the learning process, but with large stacks of papers to carry around, it can often take a teacher days to grade and return assignments. With a mobile device, teachers can easily collect, grade, and return work to students from anywhere.

This technology also allows teachers to eliminate the need to shuttle student work back and forth from home – or worse – lose assignments. In this session, take a deep dive into the paperless classroom and learn how it can be achieved on the mobile device through one simple-to-use app.

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This session offers information on integrating technology into teachers’ instructional practices and students’ learning experiences.

Learn to use technology to engage and transform learning environments. Attendees will also learn hands-on with others to develop technology-integrated, project-based learning units.

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Augmented reality and wearable computers are hitting the market. From smart watches to Google Glass, the next frontier in technology is here. Learn firsthand experience, thoughts, and expertise on how these technologies may be put to their best use.

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“I understand we need to build a technology-rich classroom, but I have papers to grade!” This session examines attitudes and approaches to developing necessary classroom technology skills without losing one’s balance, patience, or mind.

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Despite the best plans and best intentions, many school digital initiatives fail. Whether due to underperforming software, disappointing hardware, or unexpected challenges, teachers and administrators must sometimes regroup or “pull the plug” on a digital program.

This workshop provides the tools for a successful failure: evaluating when to change directions, taking appropriate lessons for moving forward, and communicating with staff, parents, and students in ways that maintain credibility.

Failure does not have to be an end—it can be the beginning of success!

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Children today are writing more than ever. But what are they writing?

Is it as ephemeral as the latest text and the next tweet? Or are they writing anything enduring? While some of what they write disappears into thin air, it turns out that many children are writing their own eBooks.

There are several resources to help them publish and share their ideas. This workshop highlights several technology-enhanced resources to ensure students are writing and publishing at their optimum level.

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Learn how to design a paperless environment from scratch, or to convert a previously papered classroom. Learn to eliminate a file cabinet, flash drive, folders, paper, pencil, and many other classroom materials.

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Fast and easy collaboration is what makes Google tools an ideal learning environment. Gain knowledge as well as practical strategies to make collaboration a natural way of learning in a classroom.

Participants are encouraged to bring a laptop or mobile device to fully participate in this interactive session. Attendees need to create a free Google Account (if they do not already have one) prior to this session. Please bring this information with you.