Professional Development Topic Category

Instructional Technology

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Gain knowledge as well as practical strategies to make collaboration a natural way of learning in a school.

Participants explore specific Google tools that create an easy-to-use, integrated way for teachers and students to collaborate, and take a closer look at practical workflow models for sharing and collecting assignments. They’ll also discover how real-time collaboration, powerful sharing controls, and seamless compatibility make learning more engaging and a teacher’s life easier.

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This session highlights various apps and methodologies that can be utilized in the classroom with special needs students to help them engage in book building.

From a book-building app used to explore social skills with a boy with autism, to one that dives into science, this session serves a range of subjects.

Discussion of best practices and methodologies are followed by hands-on practice and review of sample books.

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In an app smack down, an open forum session is facilitated. Attendees share some of their tried-and-true apps they feel are worth sharing, engaging in discussion about the why and how of using apps to explore the use of mobile devices in education.

This is a less structured session featuring an online method of sharing, recording/sharing of app ideas, and total collaboration.


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Join this empowering presentation for Pre-K through elementary school teachers that showcases a variety of apps, including how each is implemented in multiple subject areas.

This interactive presentation highlights cross-curricular lesson modification examples.

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In a world that changes daily, how are teachers, administrators, and technology specialists planning for the future of instruction?

This session examines 10 major trends in technology that impact education and includes outlining the possibilities, challenges, and the ways teachers and administrators can prepare for the elusive horizon of tomorrow.

Love it or hate it, the mobile device is an enormous player in the race to 1:1 technology access.

This workshop will address the questions, concerns, and panic of teachers new to this platform by providing a tool kit of applications that can be used in the classroom on day one.

While targeted for teachers, the session will also address the training needs of administrators bringing a mobile device 1:1 program into a school.