April is often associated with celebrating Easter and Earth Day, but did you know it’s also National Volunteer Month? This month is dedicated to honoring the amazing volunteers in our communities that give their time and energy to serve others and encourage volunteerism throughout the month and beyond.
With busy schedules and to-do lists piling up, it can seem hard to find ways to fit volunteering into your schedule. That’s why volunteering at your children’s school is such a wonderful place to give back. Whether it is after school, on field trips, or in the classroom, studies show that there are countless benefits to children, their parents, and their school when parents get involved. In honor of National Volunteer Month, here are some benefits to volunteering at your child’s school.
1. It Makes a Difference in Your Child’s Education
A 2008 study from the University of New Hampshire indicates that students perform much better academically if their parents are involved in their school. They also have better attendance and are more likely to graduate and continue their education. When teachers know more about their students’ lives at home, they can provide a more personalized learning experience.
2. You Get to Know the Teachers, Staff, and Other Parents Better
Volunteering is all about community building. Helping at your child’s school is a terrific way to connect with teachers, staff, other parents, and your kid’s classmates. By offering support throughout the school year and learning more about the people involved in your child’s education ecosystem, you will build stronger relationships and bonds with those in the community with your child.
3. Giving Back Makes Schools Better
When parents take the time to be involved in their child’s school, it shows their child they care, and that education is a family value. Teachers, administrators, and staff have so much on their plates every day. When parents volunteer at school, it frees teachers up to do what they do best – educate our children.
4. It Gives You a Chance to Showcase Your Skills
Look for volunteer opportunities where you can share your skills and expertise in a way that’s fun and enjoyable. If you love baking, sign up to help with the next bake sale. If you’ve got a green thumb, help plant a class or school garden. Others will appreciate your skills and your child will be thrilled to share your involvement with their classmates.
5. Volunteering is Good for Your Health
Helping people changes lives. Studies show there are numerous health benefits to giving back. Volunteering not only gives volunteers a sense of purpose and deep meaning in their lives, but it’s also a huge mood boost. By savoring your time spent in service to others, you’ll reduce stress and increase positive, relaxed feelings by releasing dopamine.
One way of giving back to your child’s school is through donating. FACTS Giving makes school fundraising efforts easier than ever! Learn more about our features here.
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