Looking Back at Elevate 2024

collage of images from elevate 2024

Thousands of FACTS users from across the country joined us July 8-11 in Atlanta, GA to journey into possibilities at Elevate 2024. We connected, collaborated, and created well-rounded relationships between teachers, administrators, and more.

Inspired by the gorgeous Georgia Aquarium and our Atlanta location, our theme “Journey Into Possibilities” perfectly encapsulated our experience at this year’s conference. Elevate is a place to get inspired by a world of possibilities, make new memories, and build upon our own experiences, and this year was no exception for our guests.

Memorable Keynote Addresses

A major highlight was undoubtedly the three keynote speakers who shared their wisdom and experience over the course of the conference. Erin Gruwell, author of The Freedom Writers Diary and founder of The Freedom Writers Foundation, moved attendees Tuesday morning as she discussed how educators can inspire their students further and develop an environment filled with trust and communication.

Jeremy Penner, Director of Product Strategy at FACTS, joined us later in the day to share insights and future plans for FACTS products, highlighting the ways in which FACTS constantly try to improve our solutions to help users with the work they do every day. We also heard from FACTS President Scott Spethman, who shared important information on the future of FACTS, our company roadmap, and what keeps him and our associates motivated to keep developing new solutions.

We hope these sessions not only provided attendees with a closer look into the FACTS team, but also inspired them to keep building in their own schools and look forward to what’s next in edtech.

Diving Deep into Sessions

On top of our incredible keynote speakers, we offered over 200 sessions for attendees to explore. Whether they decided to follow one of our career tracks and focus on sessions that were specifically aimed at their field or wanted to explore other sessions for a breath of fresh air, we made it easy for attendees to create the agenda that best served them. Sessions tackled topics in Advancement and Development, Enrollment and Marketing, School Leadership, and much more.

We also offered new ways to connect with our Fireside Chats, more intimate conversations with the FACTS team to get answers to attendees’ questions and FACTS Product Trivia. In this lively game, top FACTS users competed to show off their FACTS product knowledge, winning fun FACTS branded gifts like Stanley cups. The grand prize winner even took home a free trip to Elevate 2025!

Coming Together at the Georgia Aquarium

Of course, a visit to Atlanta calls for a trip to the biggest aquarium in the country and a taste of some great food. We had an amazing reception at the Georgia Aquarium, surrounding our guests with incredible animals like whale sharks, octopi, and more while enjoying a chance to connect with their peers in a serene environment.

We also led our attendees on a food tour throughout Atlanta, recommending unique restaurants and bars to get their fill. Atlanta is known as a diverse city with something for everyone, and we’re glad we were able to showcase that on this one-of-a-kind tour through the city.

Elevate 2024 was the best yet, and we can’t wait to see everyone again next year! Visit our website to learn more about Elevate and jump on our Super Early Bird Registration for Elevate 2025 in Salt Lake City!

Artificial intelligence (AI) is a major part of today’s cultural conversation. But what exactly is AI? According to a report by the Consortium for School Networking (CoSN), “[AI] functions in a manner similar to humans in that it can sense, learn, reason, and then take actions. However, unlike humans, AI is comprised of algorithms, rules, and data sets that operate within a specific domain.”

You’ve probably used AI for years without realizing it. When you search for something on Google or ask Siri, Alexa, or any other virtual assistant a question, you’re using AI. But as technology rapidly evolves, it feels like more AI programs pop up every day.

The evolution of AI is changing the game for K-12 schools, giving teachers and administrators new tools to manage daily tasks more efficiently. In this blog post, we’ll cover the benefits of AI for K-12 schools as well as potential challenges and tips for creating a well-rounded AI policy.

AI for Classroom Teachers

There are many AI tools out there that can help teachers reduce hours spent after school preparing for the next day and free up time to focus on student outcomes and professional development. A study by McKinsey & Company found that “existing technology can help teachers reallocate 20 to 40 percent of their time to activities that support student learning.”

Here are some examples of AI tools that can benefit classroom teachers.

Lesson Planning

AI can streamline lesson planning and assist with the creation of supporting materials like writing prompts, handouts, project outlines, and more. McKinsey & Company estimates that AI technology can reduce time spent on preparation activities from 11 hours to six hours per week.

There are currently several tools on the market that support lesson planning. These include Education Copilot, Google Gemini, MagicSchool, and more.


Grading is another task that can take up significant time, causing teachers to work extensive hours outside of school. Tools like Gradescope and Essay Grader can speed up the grading process for a variety of assignment types including essays, worksheets, and exams.

AI for School Administrators

Not only can AI help teachers become more efficient, but it can save time for school administrators as well. Many schools have a small team of administrators, requiring each person to wear multiple hats. This can make it difficult to keep up with daily workloads. Here are some examples of AI tools that can help school administrators do more with the resources they have.


Effective marketing is essential to a school’s success. But many schools only have the budget to hire one or two marketing professionals, if any at all. AI can help schools with limited resources enhance their marketing.

Graphic design tools like Canva offer AI features that make it easy for anyone to create social media images, event flyers, or presentations. Writing assistants like Grammarly and ChatGPT can help you craft blog posts, social media posts, and marketing emails faster, so you have more time to focus on your other responsibilities.

Administrative Tasks

AI can save time for school staff by automating many tedious administrative tasks. Here are a few examples.

  • An AI chatbot can assist parents with questions, reducing call volume to the front office.
  • Built-in, automated reporting features in tools like your student information system reduce manual work.
  • A tool that sends automated alerts and reminders to parents reduces the need for paper notices that get lost in backpacks.

Challenges of AI

With any new technology comes its challenges. AI is rapidly evolving, which brings concern for ethics, privacy and security, and improving AI literacy. Understanding potential challenges is an important first step when implementing AI at your school.

Ethical Considerations

As AI becomes more popular, many are concerned that it will eliminate jobs. However, in their recent report CoSN said, “Though some narratives around AI leave teachers fearing for their jobs, both economists and education experts argue the opposite. The real potential for education lies in how AI augments what teachers and leaders do in schools, allowing them to be more adaptive.”

Plagiarism is another potential ethical concern. Training students, teachers, and staff on the appropriate use of AI is essential to avoid plagiarism. For example, rather than a student writing an essay without human involvement or an administrator creating a blog post with AI and publishing it without making any changes, use AI as a resource for brainstorming and generating ideas.

Privacy and Security

With new AI tools popping up every day, assessing the security of the programs your school uses is paramount. Some tools are built specifically for school environments with student privacy laws in mind, but others are less secure. Evaluating the privacy and security of AI tools on a case-by-case basis is a best practice for schools experimenting with AI.

AI Literacy

To avoid ethical and security-related problems, improving AI literacy among your teachers, administrators, and students is important. To help schools better frame the role of AI in K-12, researchers with the Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence (AAAI) identified Five “Big Ideas” for AI in K-12.

  1. Perception: Computers perceive the world using sensors.
  2. Reasoning: AI systems maintain representations of the world and use them for reasoning.
  3. Learning: Computers can learn from data.
  4. Human Interaction: Making AI systems interact comfortably with humans is a substantial challenge for AI developers.
  5. Societal Impact: AI can impact society in both positive and negative ways.

Establishing an AI Policy

Now that you’ve considered possible challenges related to AI and tools that can save time for your teachers and administrators, it’s important to establish an AI policy for your school. Here are some steps to help you build one.

  1. Create guidelines for school personnel. What types of actions are teachers and administrators allowed to complete using AI? What is off-limits?
  2. Decide if students are allowed to use AI. If they are allowed to use it, how? Is AI use by students limited to in-class activities or can they also use it for take-home assignments?
  3. Determine which AI tools are approved for use by teachers, administrators, and students. Implement security restrictions on school computers that limit the use of unapproved technology.
  4. Remain flexible. AI is constantly changing. Schools need to be ready to adapt as existing tools evolve and new tools are introduced.

Does FACTS Use AI?

At FACTS, we are committed to innovation. We use AI regularly to analyze data and improve our products. Our New Ventures team is specifically dedicated to seeking innovative solutions. This team continuously assesses opportunities to introduce new AI features into current and future products, creating efficiencies for FACTS customers.

Want to learn more about how FACTS solutions can make your school more efficient? Let’s chat!

Learning doesn’t only happen at school, and teachers need to work with parents to ensure students are learning and reinforcing material when they’re outside the classroom. That’s why building strong relationships between parents and teachers from the start is crucial.

Before the new school year begins, consider new strategies to make the most of parent-teacher relationships and use them to navigate classroom success all year round.

Establish Effective Channels of Communication

Keeping parents and teachers connected requires effective and convenient communication channels. From discussing the students’ needs to coordinating a success plan, managing an open line of communication is the key to creating a relationship that lasts.

Keep communication open between parents and teachers regarding student attendance, behavior, and educational achievements. Start with an introductory meeting to meet parents and establish a bond from the start of the year until the end and build on that connection with regular student teacher conferences or communications home via letters or emails. You can also leverage communication technology to help families stay connected, enhance their experience, and lean more on teachers.

Encourage Feedback on Both Sides

Like any relationship, giving and receiving feedback is important to ensure expectations are understood and met. It’s also important to keep feedback open to encourage growth on both ends.

In situations where students may be missing homework or showing misbehavior in class, being able to communicate with parents is crucial. This also goes for the parents in cases where maybe their student isn’t gaining or retaining information as expected or they have misunderstandings and questions parents can’t answer for them.

On the other hand, teachers can greatly benefit from hearing praise from parents on how well they are guiding students and teachers can feel welcome to reach out to parents and thank them for their support. Being open to receiving feedback on both ends can encourage trust and build bonds between parents and teachers that only deepens the relationship.

Get Involved

Getting involved outside of the classroom creates even more opportunities for teachers and parents to build on their relationship. At parent teacher conferences, communicate about the students’ behavior, progress, and goals to give each side motivation to keep talking.

Parents can also attend or volunteer to help with school events like dances or book fairs. Spending time together can help strengthen your connection with parents and even with students as you all engage with each other at school events.

Celebrate Together

Of course, coming together to celebrate your students’ wins is a big part of maintaining parent and teacher relationships. Aside from graduation and moving up ceremonies, celebrating the end of a successful year or an exciting beginning can motivate teachers, parents, and students to stay connected and maintain their bond.

The fun and excitement of celebrating every success shows how teachers are invested in students, building more trust with parents and students and making themselves a part of it all.

By working together and establishing bonds between parents, students, and teachers, lasting relationships can be the norm for everyone at your school. Keep parents and teachers in touch with the FACTS Family App and make it easy to keep relationships between them blossoming from one year to the next.

Welcome to the era of digital enlightenment! Remote training has evolved from a mere alternative to a cornerstone in the realm of learning and development. In this virtual arena, our collective goal is to attain mastery in virtual learning. Yet, the question remains: how do we transcend mere screen-sharing to craft impactful learning journeys? The solution lies in strategic planning and precise execution. Here’s your guide to steering the ship of remote training towards the horizon of success.

Craft an Engaging Environment

The foundation of effective virtual learning is engagement. It’s the spark that lights the fire of curiosity and keeps the flames of participation burning. We recommend that you adopt the following strategies to cultivate this environment:

  • Personalize the Experience: Go beyond a warm welcome. Tailor the training with relatable scenarios that reflect learners’ actual work environments. Implement adaptive learning techniques to adjust individual experiences based according to their own personal progression.
  • Collaborative Platform: Leverage tools enabling community discussion and collaboration. Encourage idea-sharing across departments and cohorts and consider empowering learners to form their own groups for deeper collaboration. Additionally, integrate opportunities for one-on-one dialogue to facilitate coaching, feedback, and mentoring interactions.
  • Interactive Content: Explore virtual simulations to replicate real-world tasks. Introduce role-playing exercises enabling learners to hone problem-solving and decision-making skills within a controlled virtual environment. Additionally, reimagine quizzes and polls not only as assessment tools but also as prompts to stimulate thought and discussion among learners.
  • Gamification: Inject elements of play such as leaderboards, badges, or points to turn learning into an engaging adventure. Design scenarios that encourage learners to apply their knowledge in a competitive yet collaborative setting.
  • Micro-learning: With limited attention spans and the risk of cognitive overload in the virtual space, microlearning offers a solution. Break down complex subjects into bite-sized chunks, enhancing flexibility and bolstering retention rates.

Build Pathways for Personal Growth

Choice empowers learners. Flexible learning paths let them take control of their learning journey, leading to increased motivation and relevance.

  • Define Milestones for Success: Construct learning tracks with clear milestones to guide learners towards success. Learn how setting achievable milestones not only motivates but also provides a roadmap for progress, ensuring a structured and effective virtual learning experience.
  • Adaptive Learning: Use platforms that adapt to the individual’s learning pace and style, providing suggestions for further learning based on their progress.
  • Self-Directed Learning: Create a catalog of learning modules for learners to choose from, allowing them to build a personalized curriculum.
  • Continuous Progress Tracking: Offer dashboards where learners can visualize their growth and set personal goals.

Regularly Assess and Gain Feedback

Just as regular health check-ups are essential, so are assessments and feedback. Understand what knowledge is being retained and understand how the training is being received. Use this to your advantage to continually evolve your learning strategy. Do this by:

  • Measure Comprehension: Use a variety of assessment forms, from multiple-choice questions to practical demonstrations, to ensure learners understand the material.
  • Identify Gaps: Use assessment data to pinpoint areas where learners may need additional support or resources.
  • Give a Voice to Learners: Use surveys, suggestion boxes, and direct conversations to modify your approach based on learner input.
  • Commit to Continuous Improvement: Commit to acting on feedback and transparently share how it’s being used to refine training programs.

The journey to effective virtual learning is ongoing and ever-evolving. By implementing these strategies, you’ll not only deliver content but also create an immersive and impactful learning experience. Keep your eyes on the prize—engaged, informed, and satisfied learners—and your virtual training sessions will indeed be legendary. Now, raise your virtual glass, to the future of learning!

Do you have one employee and endless time to train? Congratulations—you don’t need a learning management system (LMS)! For the rest of us, we rely on our LMS.

What is an LMS?

A learning management system (LMS) is a tech platform that companies use to train their employees (online, in-person, or in hybrid situations). These generally include online courses, employee engagement opportunities, progress tracking, and report metrics.

Cost of an LMS

The initial investment in an LMS can be significant, so it’s important to choose the right partner for your platform. However, the decision to NOT have an LMS is also costly:

4x the salary: An LMS can increase employee retention rates by providing a better onboarding experience and career pathing. Replacing an employee can cost 3-4 times the person’s salary.

2-6x more recall: E-learning boosts learning retention rates by 25-60%, compared to retention rates of 8-10% with traditional training.

$4.5 million: Before senior employees retire, an LMS can distribute institutional memory. The average U.S. enterprise-size company may waste $4.5 million in productivity/year due to knowledge loss.

What You Could Gain From an LMS?

Engaged learning can create a culture that reduces employee turnover and onboards new associates without taxing team resources–but that’s not all. If you have clear metrics for your LMS (paired with the right LMS solution) you can accomplish a ton:

  • Build new leaders and establish succession planning

  • Deliver quicker onboarding of new associates

  • Increase remote associate engagement and development

  • Enhance the skillset of associates

  • Provide associate roadmaps for retention

  • Develop a culture of learning and innovation

  • Pass on institutional knowledge from retirees to the next generation

Important LMS Factors to Evaluate

Your organization might have clear metrics that they want to measure with an LMS. Other factors to consider when evaluating platforms may include:

  • Ease of use

  • Content library for assets

  • Gamification (custom badges/point systems)

  • Certification creation

  • Social collaboration

  • Course authoring tools

  • e-commerce (sell content, courses, subscriptions)

  • Extended enterprise (client, partner, franchise training)

  • Workflows (automatic course assignment based on roles, seniority, and completed courses)

  • Ability to add/exchange features as the company needs to change

  • Prebuilt course library

  • AI assistant

  • Metrics/reporting

  • Customer support

  • API integrations

The Value of E-Learning Authoring Tools

We’ve all sat through training that has been painful, boring, or irrelevant. It’s not enough to have an LMS to be successful. You need courses that are engaging, too. Having an LMS with e-learning authoring tools is essential.

(If you have content, but need an instructional design expert to bring your course to life, FACTS has a creative team that does that for you.)

How to Choose the Right LMS

While the technical capabilities of an LMS are important, the ease of use and customer support is also crucial.

  • Can the LMS technology scale with what your company needs? Can you pay for a few features today that you need, and add more features as you need them?

  • Evaluate not just the tech—check out the team providing support. Do you have someone tech-savvy on your team or will you need more hand-holding support from your vendor?

  • Evaluate award-winning technology. Choose a platform that has good recommendations by third parties.

Rolling out an employee development program for your organization is a big initiative, and requires the support of your company influencers to be successful. These influencers are the top 3-5% of your organization who, despite being a small group, influence close to 40% of the morale and engagement of your total organization.

As digital learning and development professionals, it’s critical to understand why your learning program needs company influencers, how to identify and engage them, and how to measure success. We’ll explore all of these topics in our three-part series in partnership with Performica.

Understanding the Role of Company Influencers in Learning Programs

Company influencers are individuals who are well-respected, admired, and have a significant influence on their peers. By enlisting these influencers as allies, you can increase the reach and impact of your learning and development (L&D) programs, making them more effective in achieving your organization’s goals.

Boosting Employee Learning and Engagement With Help From Company Influencers

When it comes to rolling out a new learning initiative in your organization it’s important to remember that it’s not just about the initiative itself–it’s also about how you get your employees engaged and invested in the program. One key factor in that equation is your company influencers.

 The reason these influencers are so important to your learning program is that they can create momentum and excitement around the program, which is critical to its success. When these influencers are excited about the learning program, actively participating, and encouraging others to participate, it creates a “ripple effect” that leads to broader engagement across the organization.

Research shows that employees who feel their managers are supportive of their learning and development are more engaged and motivated at work. In fact, a survey by LinkedIn Learning found that 94% of employees would stay at a company longer if it invested in their learning and development.

 When your company influencers are on board with your learning initiative, it sends a clear message to the rest of the organization that this is an important priority for the company as a whole. This is especially true when many of those influencers are in leadership–and they often are. The support of company influencers can help to create a culture of learning within the organization, where continuous development is valued and encouraged. By enlisting these influential colleagues as advocates for your learning program, you also create a more motivated, engaged, and invested workforce–and that’s a win for everyone involved.

 So, how can you get your company influencers on board with your learning program? We’ll dive into that in Part 2 of this series, but one key takeaway here is that it’s important to identify these influencers early on in the planning process, and to engage with them directly and strategically as you roll out the program.

Identifying the Top 3-5% of Company Influencers

The most critical step in leveraging company influencers for your learning initiative (or anything else) is identifying them either manually or using technology like Performica. You’ll want to ensure you identify both the influencers who are good at self-promotion and those who are stealth influencers. Stealth influencers are those employees whose colleagues come to them for information because they are known for being great employees. Leadership often may be unaware these individuals are influencers because they are quieter, less obvious choices for leaders, and may be from diverse backgrounds or areas of the company.

 These influencers are the employees who have the power to influence the decisions and actions of others within the company, as their morale and engagement correlates with about half of the organization’s network. These influencers may be executives, managers, high-performing employees, or even new hires who have already made an impact.

 Manually identifying influencers can be a tedious process, but it allows you to understand their impact on the company culture, work ethics, and overall performance. Talk to employees and colleagues to get insights into who has the most influence and who inspires others to do better. Assess their behaviors, attitudes, and work ethics to find out what makes them stand out.

 Technology-based influencer identification tools like Performica use data analytics to assess communication and collaboration tools to identify 100% of your influencers with minimal effort, combining passive digital trace data with survey data to truly understand working relationships.

 Identifying company influencers is a crucial first step in gaining their support for your learning initiative, whether you find these individuals manually or using technology. By getting your company’s influencers on board with your new learning program, the odds of program success go way up, and the new program is received much more positively by your community. We’ll explore strategies for gaining the support of company influencers in Part 2 of this series.

Rolling out an employee development program for your organization is a big initiative, and requires the support of your company influencers to be successful. These influencers are the top 3-5% of your organization who, despite being a small group, influence close to 40% of the morale and engagement of your total organization.

As digital learning and development professionals, it’s critical to understand why your learning program needs company influencers, how to identify and engage them, and how to measure success. We’ll explore all of these topics in our three-part series in partnership with Performica.

4 Methods to Measure Success

Enlisting the assistance of company influencers to help shape and roll out a learning program for your organization can boost its chances of success. As digital learning and development professionals, you’ll want to know how to measure that success–and your influencers can again help with that. In this final part of our three-part series, we’ll explore just that.

Now that you’ve identified  and onboarded  your company influencers, it’s time to measure the success of your learning program.

1. Ask influencers.

One way to measure success is by collecting feedback and data from these influencers. Ask them about their experience with the program, how it’s impacted their work and productivity – and if they would recommend it to others. This feedback can provide valuable insights into the program’s effectiveness and areas for improvement.

2. Engagement metrics.

Another way to measure success is by looking at the overall engagement and participation levels across the organization. With the company influencers on board, you should see a higher level of engagement and participation in the learning program. This can be measured through completion rates, attendance at training sessions, and feedback from managers on their team members’ development.

3. Business outcomes.

It’s also important to track any business outcomes that may have resulted from the learning program. This can include improvements in productivity, sales, customer satisfaction, and employee retention. By linking the learning program to tangible business outcomes, you can demonstrate the value of the program and justify future investments.

4. Employee career growth.

Lastly, don’t forget to track the impact on employee development and career growth. Are employees who participated in the learning program demonstrating new skills and competencies? Are they being promoted or taking on new responsibilities? These are important indicators of the learning program’s success in helping employees grow and develop their careers.

In summary, measuring the success of your learning program with company influencers is crucial to understanding its effectiveness and impact on the organization. By collecting feedback, tracking engagement levels, linking to business outcomes, and monitoring employee development, you can ensure that your learning program is achieving its goals and delivering value to the organization.

Rolling out an employee development program for your organization is a big initiative, and requires the support of your company influencers to be successful. These influencers are the top 3-5% of your organization who, despite being a small group, influence close to 40% of the morale and engagement of your total organization.

As digital learning and development professionals, it’s critical to understand why your learning program needs company influencers, how to identify and engage them, and how to measure success. We’ll explore all of these topics in our three-part series in partnership with Performica.

6 Key Strategies

Launching an employee development program for your organization is a major initiative – one which you now see may be more successful if you enlist the help of company influencers. In Part 1 of this 3-part series, we focused on why influencers are important and how to identify them. Now, let’s explore strategies for gaining the support of your company’s influencers for your learning initiative.

It’s clear that company influencers have a vital impact on the ebb and flow of morale and engagement at your company. As you roll out an employee development program, it’s essential that you get these key employees on board with your new learning initiative. As we mentioned previously, it’s important to identify and engage them early in the process because they can be helpful in shaping not only the rollout of your initiative, but the initiative itself.

 Here are five key strategies to keep in mind.

1. Build Relationships.

First, start by building relationships with these influencers. Ideally, set up one-on-one meetings with them to make it clear that a relationship with them is your priority. Discuss your learning initiative and how they can use their influence to help with your goals. Ensure that they know you want to add value where you can for them as well, looking for commonalities, and genuinely building a good working relationship with them.

2. Make Influencers Feel Valued.

Make sure you let these influencers know how much you value their contributions to the company. Explain how their involvement can positively impact their colleagues’ professional development, and how their support of the learning initiative can help the company reach its goals.

3. Communicate the Benefits.

Clearly communicate the benefits of the learning initiative, both for the company and for the employees. Provide detailed information about how the initiative can improve employee skills and performance, and how it can lead to better productivity, customer satisfaction, and overall business success. It’s also important that you communicate the benefits to them personally–improving skills, increasing odds for receiving promotions and additional compensation, learning more efficient and effective ways to do their jobs, etc.

4. Provide Incentives.

Consider offering incentives like recognition and rewards to your company influencers for their support of the learning initiative. You could also offer them the opportunity to lead or facilitate some of the learning sessions, or give them a special badge in the LMS as recognition for their support. You may also want to recognize them for completing some of the courses, and promote those as courses they particularly enjoyed to the broader community. This offers the added benefit of encouraging others to enroll in the courses.

5. Involve Them in the Process.

Include these influencers whenever possible in the development of the learning initiative and the rollout plan. Truly listen to their input and incorporate it into your strategy. This can help them feel invested in the initiative – and make them much more likely to champion it to their colleagues. It will also improve your initiative, as they bring a different perspective that can provide a voice to your larger community.

6. Use an LMS to Connect.

A learning management system (LMS), like FACTS Learning Management System, can help you collaborate effectively with your company influencers, gather their insights, and enhance your learning initiative. No matter how large your company is, communicating with and capturing valuable feedback from influencers will be simple with this helpful tool.

Using these strategies will help you develop a learning initiative that will speak more directly to your employees than if you hadn’t involved your company influencers. You’ll also have the support of these influencers as you roll out your initiative, increasing the chance that employees will be receptive and interested in engaging with your program. Just remember to continually communicate to your influencers the importance of the initiative and the value of their support throughout the process.

 Wondering how you’ll be able to measure the success of your learning program with company influencers? Stay tuned. We’ll cover that in Part 3 .

As a new year begins, organizations have the perfect opportunity to reflect and recalibrate their learning strategies. This year, the focus should be on not just conducting a review but diving deep into the effectiveness of your learning initiatives using key metrics. A data-driven approach to evaluating your training programs can reveal invaluable insights and guide strategic decisions. Let’s explore the essential metrics and benchmarks that can help you optimize your learning strategy for maximum impact.

Comprehensive Assessment of Your Learning Environment

Your Learning Management System (LMS) is a treasure trove of data and can serve as the backbone of your analysis. To effectively analyze your learning strategy, start with a holistic assessment of your current training programs. Key metrics to consider include:

  • Completion Rates: This metric indicates the percentage of courses that employees complete. A benchmark of 70-90% is generally good, but you should also consider the complexity and length of the courses. Low completion rates could signal issues with course content, length, or learner engagement.

  •  Learner Engagement: Engagement metrics, such as average time spent on courses, participation in interactive elements, and completion of optional activities, provide insight into how engaging your content is. Engagement benchmarks can vary greatly, but consistently high rates are a good sign. If engagement is low, consider incorporating more interactive elements or shortening the course duration.

  • Feedback and Satisfaction Rates: Gathering and analyzing learner feedback is essential for understanding the effectiveness and reception of your training programs. Aim for a satisfaction rate of at least 85%. Regular surveys and feedback mechanisms can help gather this data. Consider qualitative feedback as well, as it can provide deeper insights into the learner experience.

Align Learning With Business Goals

A critical aspect of your strategy should be its alignment with overall business objectives. Incorporate and track current learning trends to keep your strategy relevant and effective.

  • Skill Application Rate: Measuring how effectively employees apply new skills in their work is a key indicator of the practical impact of your training. Utilizing surveys, performance evaluations, or direct observations can help measure this, with a target application rate of over 75% being ideal. Consider setting up a mechanism for managers or team leads to provide feedback on their team members’ skill application post-training.

  • ROI on Training: Calculating the return on investment (ROI) in training can be complex, but it is crucial. Consider the following factors: improved productivity, quality of work, reduced error rates, and employee retention. Calculating ROI involves comparing the benefits (quantitative and qualitative) of training against the costs involved. A positive ROI indicates that your training is not only effective but also cost-efficient.

  • Staying Ahead With Emerging Learning Trends: Incorporate and track current learning trends to keep your strategy relevant and effective. Utilize micro-learning strategies and mobile learning engagement for more effective approaches to connect with your employees who are always on-the-go.

  • Creating a Culture of Continuous Improvement: A learning strategy should never be static. Develop a continuous improvement plan by implementing processes for quarterly reviews and feedback loops. By creating this regular review process, you will be able to assess current performance versus your benchmark goals, and be empowered to make incremental changes and improvements to your overall strategy.


Analyzing your learning strategy at the start of the year using key metrics is essential for a robust and effective training program. By focusing on completion rates, learner engagement, assessment scores, satisfaction rates, skill application, and ROI, you gain a comprehensive understanding of your strategy’s effectiveness. Regularly reviewing these metrics, staying attuned to the latest learning trends, and adapting your strategy accordingly will ensure that your learning initiatives remain aligned with your organizational goals and continue to drive success and employee development.

Assessments have undergone the ultimate makeover. At one time, the dreaded final assessment marked the end of a course of learning and, usually, the end of planning for the trainer or instructor. Technology and e-learning have changed all that, elevating assessments as a powerful tool for modern users.

Today’s assessments can increase engagement and change behavior. They measure the knowledge and skills mastered and, at the same time, the data gathered can be employed to precisely identify overall areas of strength and weakness within a learning program. This data then helps to direct personalized learning paths–an underutilized tool in most fields. Perhaps the most benefit is realized by non-traditional or specialty industries that previously could not deliver interrelated assessments, offer custom certifications, or easily modify their learning programs.

One such example is the online assessment from the National Catholic Education Association (NCEA). Widely used throughout Catholic dioceses by school teachers and parish catechists, NCEA offers the Information for Growth (IFG) program to measure the effectiveness of both youth and adult religious education programs. Adults (teachers, catechists, and self-driven learners) use the assessment tool to identify ongoing formation needs and to receive recommended courses in a dynamically created individual learning pathway. NCEA ACRE is an assessment of faith formation programs for students and youth. The benefit for parishes, schools, and dioceses is the ability to widely measure knowledge and auto-generate reports on progress. Using these reports, leaders can make changes to improve the continuity and quality of their formation programs and more successfully deliver faith formation programs to future generations.

Another example of specialized use is OnToCollege’s ACT/SAT/PSAT Prep for individuals and schools. When preparing for the actual assessments, which can be administered online or on paper, it is essential to take a prep course that will simulate the chosen test environment. A paper and pencil practice test won’t simulate an online assessment. The data from the online practice test benefits the students through the tracking and reporting of students’ answers, time spent, and areas of strengths and weaknesses. It yields the additional benefit of guiding schools in the development of learning programs. The online prep version is frequently updated to replicate the look and feel of the actual assessment. An accurate simulation puts the students at ease through repetition and familiarity, reducing test anxiety in a high-stress environment.

The evolution of traditional learning management systems to robust training platforms with built-in authoring and easy customization has made it possible to maximize your assessments. One area of increased potential is the development of talent through personal learning paths. Through pre-assessments, frequent measurement, and customized learning, users are encouraged to share responsibility in their learning journey. Learner-specific goals are set, and data-driven recommendations are offered to help them achieve those goals. Real-time analytics provide administrators access to each learner’s progress and allows for timely adjustments as needed.

So, what can organizations do to deliver e-learning assessments and best take advantage of the benefits?

It starts with the technology. Mobile platforms offer opportunities for assessments that are immersive, interactive, gamified, and most importantly, data-rich. Because a variety of learning styles necessitates a variety of assessment techniques, look for a platform that has the capabilities and tools you need to deliver functional assessments.

  • Will you be able to create a variety of assessments in different formats as appropriate? (Such as game- or simulation-based assessments)

  • Can you develop and manage large banks of assessment questions?

  • Is there a built-in assessment/survey tool to conduct quick or in-depth assessments, polls, or surveys?

  • Do you have the ability to set a time limit on the assessment?

  • Can you scramble answers at the individual question level to maintain reliability?

  • Will you receive item analysis for each assessment question (over time) to help your instructional designers analyze question effectiveness?

  • How easy is it to update and change the content of your assessments?

Next, lay out a plan to include assessments in the entire the learning process. Place them at the beginning and end of your training as well as various checkpoints in between. In fact, start with assessments before hiring by using them in the pre-employment phase, as a recruiting tool. Using your organization’s real-world scenarios, you can assess candidates on simulated tasks and situations. This approach can identify top talent and assist in evaluating potential employees’ abilities. Onboarding is also a great use for innovative and engaging assessments. Do your learners understand the essential introductory information you need them to know? Can they demonstrate its use? And do you have proof that mastery has taken place? This knowledge is powerful!

True or False: Technology has truly transformed the way learning is delivered, consumed, and assessed?

True! Online assessments improve learner engagement, provide increased tracking and reporting, improve learning and performance – and ultimately deliver a more effective way to build, grow, and develop your team, your customers, and your business.

If you have ideas for integrating online assessments into your team’s existing platforms, send us a message and let’s start brainstorming today!

As we approach the months when some businesses begin hiring for seasonal staff, we turned to our experienced online training clients for their most valuable onboarding tips. Clients included a professional sports team, an amusement park, a restaurant, and a warehouse/manufacturing business. Online recruitment and onboarding are today’s solutions for your seasonal workforce.

Here are the five important components to get you started:

#1 – Effective training starts before onboarding and before hiring.

Pre-assessments during the recruitment stage are indicators of success. Assess personality, specific skills, emotional intelligence, integrity, and job knowledge. Because the cost of hiring the wrong individual is high, online pre-assessments during the recruitment stage are not only indicators of success, they help the bottom line.

#2 – Prioritize key outcomes.

If every member of the team needs to understand important safety information, then make that priority number one. Ensure mastery and understanding of the knowledge that is most critical for customer and employee safety. Pay close attention to compliance and tracking. Revisit this training at regular intervals.

#3 – Temporary or seasonal workers do not have to know it all, but they need to know where to find the information or resources they may need.

This is a great opportunity to incorporate online collaboration or mentoring/coaching programs, and to build a robust library of content and resources.

#4 – Re-engage.

Young team members and first-time workers are understandably nervous but generally excited to take on their seasonal job. Grab their attention and engage them from day one of onboarding. But don’t forget–they have no past on which to base their experience and if they become disillusioned, they will leave. One Midwestern amusement park reports a 100% turnover by July 4. Use communication and feedback, friendly competitions, gamification/game-based learning, and public rewards and acknowledgements to reinforce your team’s value.

#5 – Simulated learning eases stress and reduces errors.

Allowing for adequate training (better yet if it’s branded or certified training) will benefit your bottom line by producing more accurate and faster employee-client transactions. Simulations are an important component of a learning management system, and when they are adapted for mobile learning, these simulations allow you to optimize your learning content and environment.

Converting your existing training to engaging, online training or creating new courses from scratch is what we do best. Develop updated onboarding solutions today!

As we approach the months when some businesses ramp up staffing for the summer, we turned to our experienced online training clients for their most valuable onboarding tips. Clients included a professional sports team, an amusement park, a restaurant, and a warehouse/manufacturing business. Here is one of their top onboarding tips: Simulations!

It’s a fact, the use of online simulations during training leads to increased confidence. Confident employees make less mistakes, have a faster road to productivity, provide a better customer experience, and have more positive interactions with existing team members. Better yet? Onboarding through simulations leads to longer retention!

Simulations are an important component of an LMS platform and when they are adapted for mobile learning, these simulations allow you to optimize your learning content and environment. Simulations pay for themselves.

Taking your existing training and converting it to engaging online training (like simulations) or creating new courses from scratch, is what we do best. Contact us for more information.

As we approach the months when businesses ramp up staffing for the summer, we turned to our experienced online training clients for their most valuable onboarding tips. Our clients included a professional sports team, an amusement park, a restaurant, and and warehouse/manufacturing business. Online recruitment and onboarding is a great solution for your seasonal workforce.

Effective staff training starts prior to onboarding, prior to hiring even, with pre-assessments during the recruitment stage. Depending on the position you are hiring for, you might assess personality, specific skills, emotional intelligence, integrity, or custom assessments on job knowledge. Because the cost of hiring the wrong individual is high, online pre-assessments during the recruitment stage are not only indicators of success–they help the bottom line.

Pre-assessments also provide a great start for the actual interview process. For example, a personality assessment that measures behavior indicators will allow you to ask more meaningful interview questions. Focus on desirable characteristics needed for your job opening such as ambition, empathy, or communication skills. Or, by giving a pre-assessment skills test, you can impact your company’s turnover rate because your new hire will have demonstrated they know how to apply the knowledge required for the position.

Even for seasonal employees, the search for your next “great fit” team member and potential top performer should start well before an actual job offer is even made. And that process begins online.

Trust the advice of experienced teams and develop pre-assessments for your hiring and on-boarding process today!

As we approach the months when some businesses ramp up staffing for the summer, we turned to our experienced online training clients for their most valuable onboarding tips. Clients included a professional sports team, an amusement park, a restaurant, and a warehouse/manufacturing business. Online recruitment and onboarding are great solutions for training your seasonal workforce.

Re-engage. Often. Young team members and first-time workers are understandably nervous but generally excited to take on their seasonal job. Grab their attention and engage them from day one of onboarding, but don’t forget – they have no past on which to base their experience and when their actual experience doesn’t meet expectations, they will leave.

One Midwestern amusement park reports a 100% turn-over by July 4. Use communication and feedback, friendly competitions, gamification/game-based learning, and public rewards or acknowledgements to reinforce your staffs’ value. Offer frequent opportunities to check in. This can be done through online microbursts of “need to know” type messages, or even a quick online check-in to get their feedback.

One of our favorite tips was the sharing of social media shout-outs. If a customer went online and called out an employee by name, that employee received mention in the newsletter and an in-house gift card to use at the restaurant.

Need help creating some of these learning tips? Converting your existing training into engaging online training content or creating new courses from scratch is what we do best. Contact us for more information.

Temporary or seasonal workers do not have to know it all, but they need to know where to find essential information or resources. Virtual training and onboarding is a great opportunity to incorporate online collaboration or mentoring/coaching programs, and to build a robust library of content.

Here’s an example: a large entertainment venue takes new hires on a tour of their facilities on day one. Most employees will never work in 90% of the venue, but general knowledge of the area is valuable. Rather than spending valuable training time on memorizing specific locations, a detailed map is included on the employee mobile app.

Another example is restaurant focused. Overall training includes menu items. It’s one thing to learn each menu selection, but for potentially life-threatening guest questions on allergens, the servers are prompted via their point-of-sale software. This information is simply too important for one-time training and assessment type learning.

Need help creating an onboarding mobile app or new online courses for onboarding?

Prioritize key outcomes. This is especially true for seasonal teams because your training period is short. Identify your top expectations and most important measurable outcomes.

If every member of the team needs to understand important safety information, then make that priority number one. Ensure mastery and understanding of the knowledge that is most critical for customer and employee safety. Pay close attention to compliance and tracking. This not only ensures all employees have met your key objectives, but provides some peace of mind and protection should a problem occur.

Your outcomes-based learning also offers a potential branded certification program. A solid certification path can result in increased loyalty from staff, mastery of knowledge and skills, and a meaningful recognition for future career positions.

Takeaway tip: revisit critical training at regular intervals, don’t make it a one and done.

This post is a summary of highlights from our L&D Done Right podcast, Episode 3 with host Gill Williams. Our guest is John Leh, CEO of Talented Learning, who has 25 years of experience in the learning management system (LMS) industry and helps organizations make informed decisions when purchasing learning technologies.

Watch the entire interview on our YouTube channel or listen on your favorite podcast platform.

Do you need a better system for learning and development, but aren’t sure where to start sorting through the hundreds of options for the right LMS? We’ve got you. John’s been in the business for decades and was so insightful on our podcast. Here’s his advice for finding the right LMS for your organization.

Win Your CEO With Actionable Analytics

In 2023, learning is no longer considered an annoying necessity for compliance, but a competitive advantage. Companies can track and measure the ROI of learning and development to address problems like high turnover, client satisfaction, and productivity. With millennials and Generation Z entering the workforce, the expectation of investment in employee development has become a norm across industries.

Tackle the Skill Gap Head On

Technology innovations like AI mean the gap between university education and practical job skills has widened, emphasizing the need for continuous re-skilling. Learning organizations are adapting to the changing landscape by offering not only formal courses, but also resources and hybrid learning opportunities. Creating a culture of learning within organizations requires leadership support, the provision of time and materials, and a recognition that learning is a lifelong process.

Why Are There So Many LMS Platforms?

Most LMS platforms were created to fill a specific niche in an industry. As technology has changed, expectations of what an LMS is has adjusted too. Now an all-purpose learning system might be the right fit or an industry-specific platform might work best. Guess what! FACTS Learning Management System (formerly CD2 Learning) can help meet your employee onboarding and training needs.

Three Considerations When Choosing an LMS

Once an LMS is chosen, the integration process is so intensive, interdepartmental and costly that—even if the LMS turns out to be awful for the organization—your company is pretty much stuck with it for at least three years. That’s why picking the right LMS the first time is crucial.

It seems simple, but clarifying your stakeholders’ goals, audience and support requirements are essential. Consider the following questions when evaluating different platforms:

  1. What are the measurable goals and outcomes we want to achieve?
    Defining clear objectives and success metrics from the start helps weed out LMS solutions that won’t be a good fit.
  2. Who are our target learners, and what behaviors are we trying to change?
    This articulates what features are needed on the LMS platform.
  3. How much assistance and support will we need?
    Determining the level of help required—whether it’s content development, strategy, or administration—can help identify the right partner who aligns with your organization’s goals.

Enlist a Pro

The world of learning tech is shifting super fast. With AI, the abundance of options and the complexity of the market, the buying process for LMS has become intricate. John highlights the importance of a structured and informed approach to ensure a successful purchase and avoid a costly mistake.

John’s company, Talented Learning, walks clients through his tried and true buying process that includes executive buy-in, building a business case, and evaluating solutions based on their unique needs. Talented Learning also offers a wealth of free resources and guidance to assist buyers in navigating the buying process effectively.

Final Thoughts

Investing in an LMS can be a game-changer for businesses and educational institutions alike. By leveraging the insights shared in this interview, L&D leaders can approach the LMS buying process with confidence. Remember, finding an LMS that aligns with your organization’s specific needs, shows actionable outcomes and has the level of support you need, is key to unlocking the full potential of digital learning.

What’s the difference between a software provider and a partner? Here’s a quick comparison.



Collaborative Relationship Strictly Transactional
Open Communication Limited Communication
An Extension of Your Team Disconnected, Outsourced Work
Focused on Your School’s Success Focused on Completing a Job

The bottom line is partnership drives success. Distinguishing between a partner and a provider is especially important in the K-12 education sector. Your school needs technology that goes above and beyond. So, finding a company that not only knows software but also deeply understands your mission is crucial.

Let’s take financial aid assessment as an example. For many schools, connecting the right families with financial aid opportunities is essential. But assessing needs and determining if students are the right fit can be a time-consuming, manual process. That’s where technology comes in. There are a variety of tools on the market that can make the financial aid assessment process easier, but how can you identify which company will be a true partner for your school and not just a provider? Here are a few things to look for.

A Partner Creates a Better Experience:

Any financial aid software provider will offer tools to turn manual processes into digital ones. But through partnership, you’ll receive support that improves the administrator and family experience in every aspect. You can expect:

A Lighter Workload:

Automated family communications and an easy-to-use interface save time for administrators. But more than that, a partner will take on the responsibility of helping families troubleshoot issues and answering their questions, so you don’t have to.

Proactive Error Prevention:

Your school will no longer worry about putting out fires when mistakes are made. A partner will work with you to minimize data entry errors, ensure data accuracy, and create quicker processing times for a more efficient financial aid process.

Less Stress for Families:

A true partner understands that when your students thrive, so does your school. They know that applying for financial aid can be a stressful experience for families. And they’re dedicated to providing a seamless, user-friendly experience to minimize frustration.

A Partner Prioritizes Your School’s Needs:

Like software providers, a good partner knows technology. But in a partnership, you’ll also receive access to a team of experts who are equipped to understand and implement your school’s specific priorities. This can look like:

Empowering Your Staff:

Simply getting the job done isn’t enough. You need a partner who will serve as an extension of your team, giving you the tools, support, and flexibility necessary to connect you with the right families.

Connect With the Right Students:

A transparent approach to financial aid helps schools reach students who are the best fit, regardless of socioeconomic backgrounds. With a software partner who truly cares about the success of your school and students, you’ll have the support needed to reach those students.

Building a Positive Reputation:

A committed grant and aid assessment partner will care about the effectiveness of your software and the reputation of your school. They’ll help you demonstrate a commitment to providing access, which will convey a favorable message and foster community relationships.

A Partner Minimizes Risk:

During the financial process, your school collects a multitude of sensitive information. Keeping this data safe is a big job. Collaboration with a financial aid partner gives you access to experts who will minimize security risks for you. This creates:

Reliable Data Protection:

A trusted partner will employ advanced security measures and encryption protocols in their system, so your families never have to worry if their data is protected. And your school doesn’t have to fear the possibility of a data breach.

Easier Compliance:

Staying compliant with data protection laws is crucial in the financial aid assessment process. Working with a partner who upholds high standards of data security will save you time and give you peace of mind.

Community Trust:

Parents want to send their children to a school they trust. For many families, their first interaction with your school is through a financial aid application. A good partner can help you start that relationship on a positive note by ensuring their data is safe.

When it comes to financial aid assessment software, partnership is a key factor in building community relationships, saving time for school staff, and minimizing security risks. At FACTS, we’re more than just a software provider. We are dedicated to partnering with schools in elevating education.

Want to learn how we can support your school’s grant and aid assessment process? Chat with our team

Did you know schools have been at the center of Earth Day from the very beginning? Senator Gaylord Nelson announced the initial idea for Earth Day at a teach-in on college campuses to encourage student participation and activism. The support of educators and students played a critical role in environmental activism then and now.

How can K-12 schools continue this legacy and celebrate Earth Day in 2024 and beyond? It’s common for schools to use a lot of paper in the classroom and the administrative office. One simple way to reduce your school’s carbon footprint is to automate manual processes. Here are five tools that can help school administrative offices reduce paper usage and contribute to environmental conservation.

1. Collect Admissions and Enrollment Packets Online

Switching to an online admissions and enrollment process is a great first step toward going paperless. Not only is this good for the environment, but it can also save time for admissions staff. FACTS Application & Enrollment allows administrators to view applications and enrollment packets as they are completed—so no more waiting and worrying about mail delays.

2. Use Digital Financial Aid Applications

For many private and independent schools, financial aid is a crucial part of the admissions process. But it also involves a lot of documents including application forms, tax records, and more. Collecting and storing large quantities of paper records is tedious and not great for the environment. Bringing your financial aid process online is a great way to reduce paper waste while creating a better experience for school staff and families.

FACTS Grant & Aid Assessment allows schools to create a custom online application to securely collect family financial data and decrease the need for paper documentation.

3. Eliminate Paper Tuition Checks

Switching to an online billing system offers sustainability for schools and affordability for families. Schools can remove the need for paper checks by allowing families to make tuition and fee payments online. Tools like FACTS Tuition Management give families the flexibility to set up online plans that allow them to make smaller payments over a longer period of time.

4. Keep Parents Up to Date With Less Paper

Instead of sending home paper newsletters and notices, schools can use digital communication methods to keep parents informed. A dedicated app or email newsletter can deliver information efficiently without the need for paper.

FACTS Family Custom App is a great option for schools using other FACTS products. It links to the products you use, giving families one convenient online platform to access grades, calendars, announcements, and more.

5. Simplify Data Management and Reporting

Implementing a student information system allows for easier online data management so you no longer need to print reports.

FACTS Student Information System connects all school activity from cafeteria management to standards-based grading, attendance tracking, and more. This allows teachers and administrators to access all school and student information digitally in one, central location, reducing the need for paper usage and improving efficiency.

Want to learn more about how FACTS can help your school save time while positively impacting the environment? Chat with our team.

Does your current solution for managing financial aid meet your schools’ needs? 

When you’re stuck using manual processes or inefficient software, you end up lamenting about the same problems day after day. Remarks like “this takes way too long” or “I worry we’re not connecting with the right students” might sound familiar. 

For many schools, ensuring that every student who is a good fit has access to financial aid is essential. But, managing financial aid assessments can be time-consuming. Here’s how comprehensive financial aid assessment software can turn three common frustrations into triumphs. 

From: “Reaching the right students is challenging.” 

To: “Getting financial aid to the right students is easy.” 

By offering financial aid, schools can remove barriers to success, giving talented, high-achieving students access to quality education. But determining financial need can be time-consuming. 

Robust financial aid assessment software can streamline this process for school staff and give you a clear idea of families’ finances, making it easier than ever to admit students who are the best fit, regardless of their financial circumstances. 

From: “We waste too much time on inefficient processes.” 

To: “Our financial aid procedures are streamlined.” 

An inefficient approach to financial aid assessment creates frustration for school administrators and families. The right tool will save time for staff and create a transparent and fair system. Plus, when families have a user-friendly solution, fewer questions and concerns will be directed to your school. 

You need a solution that offers: 1) secure collection of necessary data, such as tax, financial, and personally identifiable information; 2) technology that can suggest award amounts; and 3) automated award notifications and follow-up communication with families to collect missing documentation. 

From: “Can we protect our families’ data?” 

To: “We trust that our data is secure.” 

Schools collect a lot of sensitive data during the financial aid process. Ensuring that data is protected is essential, but it can also be a frustrating and time-consuming process when you don’t have the right tools. 

 A well-designed financial aid assessment system makes protecting data easier, keeping school and family information safe and mitigating the risk of legal issues.  

 Ineffective financial aid assessment practices will cause your administrators and families to repeatedly experience the same frustrations. But with a thoughtful approach and comprehensive software, your struggles will become successes. At FACTS, we’re committed to providing tools that help schools and students excel. To learn how FACTS Grant & Aid Assessment can support your school, chat with our team. 


Teaching is a rewarding yet demanding profession. From lesson planning to managing student behavior, stress is something every teacher can expect to encounter at some point in their career. Prioritizing your well-being is essential for maintaining an efficient classroom. Here are five strategies to help you better manage stress at school.

Mindful Morning Rituals

Start the day on a positive note by incorporating mindful morning rituals into your routine. Try meditation, deep breathing exercises, or simply taking a few moments for quiet reflection at the start of your day. Coming to school with a calm and centered mindset can help set the tone for the rest of the day and better equip you to handle any challenges that may arise.

Get Some Fresh Air

Instead of spending your breaks cooped up in the staff room, take advantage of the outdoors. Whether it’s a brisk walk around the school grounds or finding a quiet spot to sit and enjoy nature, spending time outside can provide a much-needed mental refreshment. Fresh air and sunlight have been shown to reduce stress levels and improve overall mood, making outdoor breaks a valuable tool for teachers.

Creative Expression<

Engage in creative activities outside of the classroom to channel stress and express yourself. This could include painting, writing, gardening, or any other hobby you enjoy. Creating something with your hands can be therapeutic and offer a welcome break from the demands of teaching. Plus, you get an opportunity to explore your passions and cultivate a sense of fulfillment outside of work.

Cultivate a Support System

Build a strong support network of fellow teachers who understand your unique challenges. Having colleagues to lean on for advice, encouragement, and empathy can make a world of difference in managing stress. Consider forming a teacher support group where you can share experiences, vent frustrations, and offer each other support. Feel relief and security knowing you’re not alone.

Incorporate Humor

A sense of humor can be a gamechanger on tough days. Alleviate tension and put things into perspective by spinning a difficult situation into something positive. Share a funny story with your students, add some humor to your lessons, or share a laugh with fellow teachers and staff. Laughter is the best medicine after all.

Intentionality and creativity are key to managing stress as a teacher. Implementing these strategies into your routine can lead to a healthier and more balanced life at your school. Taking care of yourself enables you to support your students better and thrive in the classroom.