
What Exactly Is Depth of Knowledge?

What exactly is depth of knowledge and how does it mark and measure student learning? Explore how depth of knowledge extents how students are expected to demonstrate and communicate their level of learning, plus learn how to effectively use the Webb’s Depth of Knowledge Model.
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Upgrading Your Units: Instructional Strategies and Digital 2.0 Applications

During this session, participants will engage in activities to review instructional strategies that positively impact learning and increase rigor.
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Upgrading and Enriching the Student Brain

We all know the brain can change, but what can be done to target specific changes to accelerate student improvement? This session focuses on the academic and social changes that enrich the brain in positive and lasting ways.
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Thinking Through Your Unit Activity: Aligning Strategies and Activities for Maximum Benefits

During this hands-on session, learn how to rethink units and align the “best” instructional strategies and activities. Teachers are encouraged to come with a unit they would like to rework or a unit they would like to begin to develop.
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The Engagement Cube: What Captivates Today’s Learners

This course applies the concepts of Phillip Schlechty’s “Working on the Work,” using video vignettes of master teachers’ classrooms. Participants will discover eight qualities of student work that lead to higher levels of engagement.
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The Brain Game: What to Think in Today’s Schools

This session takes a fresh look at Bloom’s Taxonomy and the differences between inductive and deductive teaching approaches.
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Teaching with the Brain in Mind

This session focuses on practical brain-compatible strategies and brain research to increase student academic achievement.
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Summary Writing with Secondary Students

In addition to traditional writing skills, summary writing requires advanced reading, analyzing, synthesizing, and organizing skills. Attendees will receive and practice using scaffolding templates and other resources to help secondary students successfully write summaries on a variety of topics.
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Student Engagement

In this workshop, participants are taken on a journey through the latest brain research in a humorous, interactive session that integrates strategy, thinking, and engagement; this is truly a three-dimensional approach.
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