
10 Essentials to a Great Website Design for Beginners

Is your school designing a new website? The task can feel daunting, but we’ve created a list of ten things to get you started when thinking about a new design. 1. Understand your user Before you can build a website
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Communication and Advancement

How Enrollment Management is Shifting in the Modern Admissions Office

For many years, the gold standard in school admissions offices was to have a well-defined and universal tier of admissions professionals. Most schools, no matter whether they were independent, faith-based, or otherwise affiliated, followed this same model. The director of
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School Operations

Prepare for NCEA’s Day of Giving

The Many Gifts, One Nation: A Day of Giving to Catholic Schools portal is now open for customization! Catholic schools and dioceses may opt-in to create a customized appeal page through January 17, 2020. Once you have customized your page,
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Communication and Advancement

SIS for Lesson Plans? Yes!

One of the key components of a successful school year for any teacher is the ability to detail what information will be covered in class and assign homework for that class. FACTS Student Information System (SIS) delivers that critical information
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Communication and Advancement School Operations

Superintendent: How Vosaic Helps

East Butler Public Schools in Brainerd, Nebraska started using Vosaic when their superintendent, Sam Stecher, was intrigued by the idea of using video to improve teaching and observation. He has served as superintendent for five years, but is also co-founder
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Classroom Experience Communication and Advancement Security and Compliance

5 Giving Tuesday Tips for the Busy Professional

Does it feel like #GivingTuesday snuck up on you this year? No worries, we’ll help you look like you’ve been carefully planning for months. If you’re new to nonprofit fundraising, #GivingTuesday is a recent development in the last couple of
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Communication and Advancement

Delinquency Report Leads to Help

At Holy Name Catholic School in Escanaba, Mich., Jodi Mutch, administrative assistant, loves FACTS’ delinquency report. Holy Name uses FACTS Tuition Management, Grant & Aid Assessment, Student Information System, and Incidental Billing, and though she has hundreds of reports at
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Communication and Advancement School Operations

Build a K-12 Marketing Strategy That Works

What Is Customer Journey Mapping? In a true marketing sense, customer journey mapping involves visually “mapping” every interaction a customer has with an organization. The goal is to identify the most important touch points, analyze interactions, and identify ways to
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Communication and Advancement

What is a Social Engineering Attack?

Social engineering attacks as ways to steal information have been around for a long time, but some of their tactics have matured and become harder to detect. Social engineering continues to be one of the easiest, non-technical methods for an
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Security and Compliance