Facilitating the Development of a Graduate Profile 

Graduate Profiles provide students, parents, teachers, and leaders and other stakeholders with a vision for student outcomes that align with the school’s mission. Once developed, the Graduate Profile (GP) is a catalyst for addressing school culture and evaluating curriculum, instruction, assessment, and programs. In addition, the GP becomes a beacon that guides professional learning communities as well as professional development, parent engagement, and student co-curricular and extra-curricular activities. Stakeholder use quantitative and qualitative data in a cycle of continuous improvement to ensure progress toward making the graduate profile a reality; stakeholders have built-in mechanisms for monitoring and accountability. A leader who excels in leading their school community in developing and executing a Graduate Profile also ensures resources are available for consistent progress, ongoing evaluation of key performance indicators, and celebration of milestones.

Ready to Start the Conversation?

We’ll help you take care of the how, so you have more time to focus on your why.