Elevate 2025


Elevate 2025 Sessions

The sessions for Elevate 2025 are not available at this time. Please check back later.

Until then, please feel free to review 2024 session information below.

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Preconference workshops are available as an add-on Monday, July 8, 2024. Preconference workshop descriptions are located here.
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Thought Leadership & Professional Development

Perfect for all levels

Advancement and Development

(Exhibitor session presented by Partners in Mission). There is an art and a science to mission advancement for private schools. This session shares the components of a comprehensive advancement program for a private school and delves into key strategies to better position each school with the tools for newfound success in all aspects of Advancement, including enrollment management.

Join us as we dive into the world of development and advancement! This session is your passport to discover the ins and outs of launching a new advancement initiative.
In this session, we’ll explore the why and what of starting a program that propels our school into the future. From fostering creativity to embracing technology, we’ll share insights and success stories that will inspire and guide you in creating a dynamic advancement program tailored to your unique community. Whether you’re a teacher, administrator, or passionate parent, this session is designed for everyone interested in making a positive impact on education. Let’s come together, exchange ideas, and set the stage for a new chapter in your school’s journey. Be a part of the excitement and let’s kickstart something amazing!

A Practical Guide to Crafting Data-Driven Policies, Building a Dynamic Team, and Allocating Resources for Sustainable Growth. This session will focus on establishing a robust Advancement Office by delving into the practical steps necessary for success, focusing on key pillars such as data management, staffing strategies, and resource allocation. Explore effective approaches to data collection, analysis, and utilization. Gain insight into developing policies to streamline data analysis and operations. Build Your A-Team and uncover the secrets to assembling a high-performing Advancement team, even if that team is made up of volunteers. Delve into best practices for allocating resources intelligently. Understand the importance of budgeting, prioritizing initiatives, and optimizing resource utilization to maximize impact without unnecessary strain on your organization’s finances.

This session is designed to provide comprehensive insights into enhancing your school’s fundraising and donor engagement strategies. Join us for an insightful exploration of how data analytics, donor insights, and strategic planning can elevate your fundraising efforts. Learn practical steps to harness the potential of data for targeted outreach, personalized engagement, and sustained relationships with donors. We will move beyond traditional fundraising approaches towards a more data-driven and impactful Annual Fund. Explore the art and science of effective donor stewardship in our session’s second part. Learn strategies to express gratitude, build lasting connections, and foster a culture of appreciation. Discover the key elements of a successful thank-you program, from personalized acknowledgments to impactful initiatives that engage and value donors. Thoughtful stewardship strengthens existing relationships, lays the groundwork for sustained support, and cultivates dedicated partners in your mission. Join us on this journey to create meaningful connections with a lasting impact!

This session will explore the strategic advantages of capital campaigns, major gifts, and planned giving, unlocking the potential to propel your organization forward. Gain insights into crafting compelling campaigns, cultivating meaningful relationships with major donors, and establishing a robust planned giving program.

This session is tailored for schools eager to explore innovative approaches that unite advancement efforts with the vibrancy of extra-curricular programs. Discover the power of collaboration as we look at crowdfunding, a strategy that not only supports fundraising goals but also fosters a sense of community and teamwork. Learn how to align advancement initiatives with the passions of your extra-curricular teams, creating a synergistic approach that benefits both financial objectives and the overall student experience.

In this session, we’ll unravel the secrets behind one-day giving campaigns, providing you with the tools and strategies to maximize impact in a limited timeframe. We will look at best practices that drive successful one-day campaigns, from crafting compelling messages to leveraging social media and harnessing the power of community engagement. Learn how to create a sense of urgency, mobilize supporters, and exceed your fundraising goals within a condensed time frame.

“I can’t thank you enough” is an oft said phrase. When it comes to fundraising, this rings true. An individual must interact with your school at least seven times in the course of a year to develop a lasting relationship with a donor. In this session we’ll cover key touchpoints you can use to do just that.

Educational Technology

Instead of a time-consuming search for the “perfect picture” you can create images to use in a classroom and instructional setting using generative Artificial Intelligence (AI). In this session, participants will explore AI tools that let them create an image to support their instructional goals, communicate with families and colleagues, and help bring course content to life. In this interactive session, discover how to quickly create images using AI tools and ten use cases that might surprise you (and students!).

(Exhibitor session presented by Inventionland). STEM ecosystems and thoughtfully designed learning spaces increase student engagement, enhance learning and promote positive school culture. See how private schools can install theme-based learning environments by renovating tired or dated spaces or within new construction initiatives. Discover how spaces impact recruiting, retention, and student outcomes. See how students, teachers, and stakeholders react to immersive environments. View examples of the latest Innovation Labs®, applied STEM curriculum, and PD. School leaders can chart a new direction through STEM and spaces to enhance creative thought, classroom collaboration, and project-based learning.

(Exhibitor session presented by Catholic Virtual).

Embark on a transformative journey into the future of education as we explore the seamless fusion of generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) and humanistic values. In this session, educators will delve into the profound implications of AI in nurturing hearts and minds within educational settings. Discover the historical ties between humanism and educational philosophy, tracing back to eras where truth and virtue were paramount in learning. Explore practical applications of AI tutoring and administrative aids in fostering virtues such as critical thinking, empathy, resilience, and self-discipline, while also empowering educators to focus on meaningful student interactions. Join us as we envision a future where AI, complementing compassionate teaching practices, amplifies the ethos of education, nurturing students academically, ethically, and emotionally. Don’t miss this opportunity to reimagine education through the lens of AI and humanism, empowering educators to shape compassionate leaders of tomorrow.

(Exhibitor session presented by Campus Guard). With cybersecurity and compliance standards evolving to match the growing threat landscape, providing faculty and staff with up-to-date awareness training that meets basic security and compliance requirements and addresses the growing risks facing K-12 schools is critical. Faced with resource constraints and schedule/time limitations, how can organizations ensure staff development aligns with district procedures and is empowering employees to recognize and report potential security threats? What may have succeeded in the past is no longer effective today. This presentation explores strategies for developing a robust training program with engaging content tailored to protect sensitive information, prevent the impact of breaches, and reduce ongoing costs on security and IT teams. Presenters will review real-world scenarios and recent K-12 breach statistics to enforce the importance of ongoing staff awareness training.

The journey to data driven decisions starts way before you even begin analyzing your data! In this session we will discuss the important foundational changes that need to made to transform all departments at your school to be data oriented. We will cover strategies for getting everyone on board, defining your data, cleaning up your data, and how the FACTS systems can assist in this process.

Participants will learn methods to proactively address the ways that students may be using artificial intelligence platforms such as ChatGPT with their schoolwork. Methods and perspectives will be presented in a manner that is empowering for students and teachers and sets them up for lasting success as digital citizens and future professionals.

Enrollment and Marketing

(Exhibitor session presented by Track It Forward). Families, parents, and guardians are vital partners to schools. Family engagement is proven to help improve student outcomes and can be beneficial to the school. However, promoting effective family engagement can be difficult. We’ve combined survey and quantitative data from hundreds of schools across the country to see what family engagement looks like in schools today. This session will discuss parent volunteer program trends and insights while providing a look at tools that can help improve family engagement.

(Exhibitor session presented by North Star Marketing) “How do you define a right-fit family?” It’s a question that many school leaders and advancement team members answer from intuition rather than documentation. But, in the high-velocity world of enrollment management in the post-COVID era, a lack of clarity around this foundational question — who are we for? — can have long-term unintended consequences. In this session, you’ll get real about your school’s definition of a right-fit family as you walk through a narrative case study featuring Anita Brek, Admissions Director at Generak Christian School in Boomtown, CO. Following in her footsteps, you’ll explore a framework for developing a Right-fit Family Rubric and consider ways to apply your thinking to marketing, admissions, and retention. And along the way, you’ll make significant strides in your pursuit of healthy enrollment.

(Exhibitor session presented by Admired Leadership).

The quest for effective motivation remains at the forefront of every administrator and teacher’s mission. Our upcoming session introduces a groundbreaking concept that redefines motivational strategies: Fanness. At its core, Fanness embodies the spirit of unwavering support and enthusiasm typically reserved for our favorite athletes or artists, yet it channels this energy into the educational sphere to galvanize both teachers and students alike. Discover how the simple, yet profound, act of asking, “What would a fan do?” can transform the educational experience. This principle isn’t just about cheering from the sidelines; it’s a strategic approach to fostering environments where encouragement, belief, and genuine support are paramount. By adopting a fan’s mindset, educators can unlock unprecedented levels of motivation and inspiration, creating classrooms where every student feels championed and valued. Join us to explore practical applications of Fanness that can be seamlessly integrated into daily educational practices. Learn how this innovative perspective can nurture a culture of positivity, resilience, and collective success. Whether you’re leading a classroom or guiding an institution, the idea of Fanness offers a refreshing lens through which to view leadership and motivation in education.

(Presented by Rick Newberry, President – Enrollment Catalyst) Too often, school leaders are so focused on recruiting new students that they forget to work on keeping their current families enrolled. If retention is a concern or a priority, this session is for you. We’ll discuss effective strategies for turning your satisfied families into loyal advocates, including communicating more effectively with parents, issuing surveys to collect meaningful data, and investing time in the little things that make families feel valued on a daily basis.

(Exhibitor session presented by North Star Marketing) A parent of an incoming freshman is in a very different place from the parent of an incoming kindergartener. They have different questions, different interests, and different motivations. Yet despite these differences, many schools take a one-size-fits-all approach to marketing and fail to connect with prospective families’ real needs. In this session, you’ll learn how to differentiate your marketing by “Age-and-Stage®” — the natural divisions in your enrollment where parents and students go through significant transitions. We’ll discuss key themes and strategies that will set your team up for more meaningful conversations and shorten your enrollment cycle.

(Exhibitor session presented by Halda/Copresented with Courtney Tomlinson, Assistant Head of School at The Gardner School)

Discover how your institution can leverage insights from web traffic, form submissions, seasonal campaign analytics, and historical inquiry and application data to inform strategic revenue planning and optimize every aspect of your budget.

(Presented by Rick Newberry, President – Enrollment Catalyst) Whether your school’s enrollment is full, not so full, or in decline, you should never stop marketing. During this session, we will discuss the most important and effective marketing strategies, so that you can continue to attract new families and retain current families every year. You will better understand what you need to do to keep marketing your school.

(Exhibitor session presented by Class Intercom.) As school leaders, it’s essential to tell your school’s story and build strong relationships with the community. However, it’s equally important to empower students and give them a voice in the process. In this session, we’ll explore how to do just that. Learn practical ways to involve students in content creation and empower them to build bridges to the community through social media. In this session, Dr. Jill covers simple ways to tell the school district’s story, best practices for social media use, and how to get students involved in content creation. We’ll also discuss how to create a safe and inclusive environment for students to share their perspective while representing the school district.

(Presented by Kurt Lewis, Education Marketing Solutions). If your school has a strong brand and you are keeping the promises you make on your website, it will be simple to retain your incumbent families year after year. In order to increase enrollment, though, you will need those families to become part of your marketing and communications team. In this session, you will learn how to succeed in the Enrollment Continuum: Retain, Refer, Recruit, Repeat. You will leave with a set of simple steps to take each month in order to turn your school’s parents and guardians into ambassadors.

(Exhibitor session presented by Class Intercom). Social media may be used for good or evil, but there’s no denying the power of this platform in telling your school district’s story. This session will empower you to do this by reigning in rogue accounts and gaining control of usernames and passwords all while empowering more voices to tell your story. From recruitment to retainment, learn how to select, train, and inspire the students and adults in your school to take ownership of telling their school’s story. Walk away with some great tips for motivating others to create content!

(Exhibitor session presented by SquadLocker). Learn how a well-executed custom apparel and gear program can increase a sense of inclusion and school spirit. Does your school have a look and feel that translates to the spirit wear and gear your students and parents wear? Ever wonder if there is an easier way to outfit your community with the uniforms, spirit wear and required items that your students and parents purchase? Join the conversation to see what a technology enabled service can do to help manage your brand, ease your administrative burden, and excite your community members.

(Presented by Brendan Schneider, SchneiderB Consulting, Pittsburgh, PA) You have a great school, but you need more students. You’ve tried everything to get more people to inquire, but you’re not getting the results you want. In this presentation, Brendan will explain how to use inbound marketing to get the results you want while offering a path to get started using inbound marketing at your school.

(Presented by Kurt Lewis, Education Marketing Solutions). Word of mouth, reputation, history, and tradition all boil down to one thing: School Spirit. Students and parents all want to be excited about their school. Around the world, the most successful institutions weave their brand through everything they do. In this session, attendees will learn how to engender loyalty from generations of families by ensuring their mission, vision, values, philosophy, mascot, and other traditions are strong. School Spirit is at the core of retention, recruitment, and referrals. Find out how your school can create a meaningful legacy by being committed, creative, and consistent.


(Exhibitor session presented by Dewar). How can your school be better prepared to address student withdrawals? In this presentation, John will discuss mental health and its impact on student retention. He will explore subjects such as how to utilize a Tuition Refund Plan to supplement annual obligations, and even assist with student withdrawals.

(Exhibitor session presented by Fortify Foundation). Let’s explore the current financial trends in private and faith based education. What facilitates the majority of private school’s operating costs? Is Fundraising necessary? Will schools be able to pay their bills AND will families be able to afford private school education in the future?

Setting your families up for success during the application process not only reduces their stress – but can save you lots of time as well! In this session we will go through the families process in FACTS Grant & Aid, customization options, reviewing families progress during the application season, and other tips for helping create a smooth experience for your families.

Exhibitor session presented by Kleercard. In this breakout session, school administrators will discover how streamlining accounts payable processes can empower them to achieve more with limited resources. We’ll explore practical strategies, software tools, and best practices to simplify invoicing, expense tracking, and budget management. By optimizing AP workflows, attendees will learn how to save time, reduce errors, and enhance financial transparency, ultimately driving greater operational efficiency.

Determining an award amount is a balancing act between the families need, available funding, enrollment goals, and your school or organization’s mission. In this session we will discuss awarding techniques, how to leverage the FACTS system to help automate awarding, and ways to analyze the effectiveness of your tuition assistance program.

Presented by Terry Chvatal, Director, New Markets at Nelnet Business Services.

Parents undertake a significant financial commitment in supporting their children’s educational journey. However, unforeseen events, such as an injury to a child or the loss of a parent, can pose serious financial challenges. Are families adequately prepared to navigate the financial implications of these unexpected situations while continuing to support educational expenses? This presentation will explore strategies for mitigating such risks, offering valuable insights on how you can assist your parents in safeguarding their ability to finance education amidst life’s uncertainties

Presented by Sarah Loghin, Director Nonprofit Advisory Services – Forvis.

Whether its your first time seeing a GAAP financial statement, or you just want a refresher, this course will help orient you to the basics of a nonprofit financial statement with emphasis on the revenue streams and expenses commonly seen at K-12 schools. While you may use management oriented statements to manage, your external stakeholders and creditors will often only have access to audited or tax-basis information, so its important for you to understand how they may use that information as well. We will explore common financial ratios and what they mean, so you can begin to use them in your fiscal monitoring. We’ll also talk about best practices in setting financial and non-financial metrics, and presenting them effectively to tell your school’s financial story.

(Exhibitor session presented by Ancora). Dive into the future of accounts payable with intelligent document processing. Leveraging advanced machine learning, this approach slashes manual labor costs in AP invoice processing by up to 85%. A blend of unassisted and assisted AI technologies ensures quick deployment and immediate impact, moving beyond traditional methods to offer unprecedented speed and accuracy. This innovation not only enhances operational workflows but also sets new standards in business efficiency. Join our upcoming session to explore this transformative technology further. Gain insights, participate in discussions, and see how you can use intelligent document processing to propel your accounts payable into a new era of efficiency and innovation. Don’t miss this opportunity to learn more and redefine your approach to accounts payable.

(Exhibitor session presented by Mission Enrollment). Embark on an immersive exploration of financial aid innovation! We’re unraveling the exceptional flexibility of FACTS Grant & Aid to revolutionize your financial aid program and ensure equity and fairness for the families you serve. We’ll unveil insider tips and tricks along with the how’s and why’s for customization, empowering you to tailor your system like never before. Learn the art of weaving custom questions seamlessly into the application process, leveraging internal tracking fields, and ways to fine-tune the calculation to align with your unique needs. Central to these transformative adjustments is the pivotal relationship between your school and your dedicated FACTS Customer Success Manager (CSM). Discover how this partnership serves as the driving force behind innovation, supporting positive change in your financial aid approach and overall program.

In this session, we will delve into the trends and strategies around using tuition assistance to support enrollment goals. We will discuss positioning and marketing your program, coordinating efforts across departments to create a holistic and effective approach for your families. This will be an interactive dialogue, so bring your experiences, questions, and challenges!

School Leadership

(Exhibitor session presented by Math Track.) Dr. Kevin Berkopes, the CoFounder of MathTrack Institute, will discuss the historic trends in the decline of the mathematics educator talent pipeline. After this discussion, Dr. Berkopes will outline the apprenticeship pathway to enable your paraprofessionals and community to become your current and future highly capable, credentialed mathematics classroom teachers.

(Exhibitor session presented by PikMyKid). In the modern educational landscape, channeling the power of technology is crucial to creating an environment where safety and efficiency meet to provide an optimal school day for students, teachers, and staff. In this session, Pikmykid will delve into the innovative ways in which technology can be leveraged to expedite daily dismissal routines, avoid problematic hallway behavior, and employ silent communication methods to increase efficiency and safety. You will learn how to create a safer, more organized, and interconnected environment for your school and the community around you.

(Presented by Dr. Bill Mott, Principal, William R. Mott, Ph.D) Many independent schools quickly adjust to the various challenges we face and demonstrate to the world the flexibility of our schools and an ability to adapt to unprecedented change. While we should celebrate overcoming obstacles, this is also a time for reflection. What could have been better? Many schools continue to struggle with how the board of trustees and the head of school worked together or perhaps didn’t partner at all with the difficult decisions that had to be made. This session reveals the value of best practices as they connect back to the relationship and partnership between the head, board chair, and trustees. We will explore roles and responsibilities along with board culture to identify key areas that lead to a new way of working together. We will include a discussion of a case study taken from my book, Healthy Boards – Successful Schools to demonstrate real-world, practical situations faced by schools leaders.

Presented by Jeremy Beck, Lead RVP, FACTS (Education Services). Wondering what funds are available for your private school that can support instructional services for students? Professional learning for teachers? Cost savings for school-wide Internet? FACTS Education Services is committed to equipping school leaders with knowledge and tools to ensure access to the dollars that rightfully belong to their students and teachers.

(Exhibitor session presented by Oaks Christian Online). Unlock the Power of Online Learning with Four Key Considerations for Starting Your Journey! Discover the essential strategies and insights needed to launch a successful online program. From pedagogical approaches to technology integration, we’ll explore the crucial factors that can make or break your online courses. This session is sure to revolutionize your use of online learning. Don’t miss this opportunity to set your online program up right.

This session will highlight major findings from a multi-site case study that was conducted to understand the personal beliefs, intentional practices, and support for teachers and students in schools that welcome and include students from low SES backgrounds and/or with learning differences. Learn how the three essential elements of conviction, cohesion, and competency help school leaders to reach the goal of welcoming and including students from low-SES backgrounds and/or with learning differences.

Gain the necessary tools to provide a successful and sustainable launch for new teachers! Explore the essential components to staying out of survival mode and keeping the excitement for teaching all year long! Take a look at the critical components of effective classroom organization and management. Leave with a clear understanding of effective target-based lessons and keys to bringing success to every student in your class.

(Exhibitor Session presented by PikMyKid). Even with so many moving parts, school emergency communication plans don’t have to be complicated! Join this session to learn some key strategies for effective (and easy) communication during emergencies. In this session you’ll learn how to…enable staff to quickly contact 911 in the event of an emergency, help staff communicate issues or incidents not needing 911 assistance, silently communicate between staff during an incident, easily communicate with parents whose students were impacted, create a safe and efficient method of closure after an incident. Don’t miss this chance to turn your school’s emergency communication from a chaotic experience into a well-prepared operation. Attend this session and embark on a journey to safety, as we banish the fear and prepare for the unknown!

(Exhibitor session presented by Alpaca Packs). In an age of teacher shortages, we all know: the best recruitment is retention. And the key to retention is a highly aligned team of educators in your building. Culture and climate surveys happen too infrequently for real action, and staff surveys with 1-5 rating scales might not always bring forth the truth (because teaching is complicated!). So how do you learn the truth about how teachers are doing, in ways you can act upon, on a regular basis? Semantic Pulse Surveys! Pulse surveys — short surveys conducted with teams on a frequent cadence — are well known as an effective, research-backed tool for understanding employee sentiment. But when you combine pulse surveys with a semantic survey framework (use words, not 1-5 scales!), the results are even more actionable for a school leader. Help your team feel heard, supported, and appreciated — come see how to create your own Semantic Pulse Survey!

(Presented by Dr. Eugene Wallace, Head of School – Seeds of Excellence Christian Academy, Austell, GA) Join Dr. Eugene Wallace, Jr. and a team of experienced educators for an engaging session on school culture, where we will explore the critical role of team dynamics in creating a collaborative and supportive environment. This session is designed to provide valuable insights, practical strategies, and real-life examples to help you enhance your school culture and foster effective team dynamics.

(Presented by Nicole Potter, Academic Dean – Galesburg Christian School). In today’s world of education, the expression of kindness, patience, and empathy by teachers can profoundly impact student outcomes and overall classroom dynamics, effectively combating the myriad of challenges present in our schools. By the end of this session, participants will understand the framework supporting the positive impact of kindness, patience, and empathy on student engagement, motivation, and academic performance. They will discover effective communication techniques, including active listening, so that they approach disciplinary issues and challenging conversations with students and colleagues in a way that prioritizes the concepts of kindness, patience, and empathy. Throughout the session, participants will engage in practical activities, group discussions, and self-reflective exercises that promote an experiential learning approach. This session is designed for educators at all levels, as well as educational administrators and support staff. It is suitable for those looking to enhance their teaching skills, foster a more positive and productive classroom environment, and ultimately improve student outcomes. This inspiring and transformative session will equip educators with the tools and knowledge needed to cultivate a kinder, more patient, and empathetic educational experience that benefits students and educators alike. Kindness, patience, and empathy are essential pillars of effective education.

Are you a district leader, principal, or instructional coach struggling to find time in the school day to support students who aren’t succeeding with grade-level instruction? If you answered yes, then this is the session for you. Participants will learn how think outside of the box to use both human, time, and material resources to ensure appropriate time and resources are provided to those students who need added supports in addition to core instruction time.

Teaching and Learning

(Presented by Krista Lemon, Kindergarten Teacher). We will examine researched based reading and writing instruction strategies to help your students learn interactive ways to build pre-reading and beginning reading skills. This session will also touch on sample writing and introduction to using thinking maps to develop pre writing skills. You will be given active engagement strategies to use with students right away.

Presented by Amanda Perales, The Rock Academy). In this real world example, Amanda will be discussing the importance of building support for a school Performing Arts Programs and the steps needed to get to a successful place for you, your campus, and community. With examples from different types of schools from elementary to high school in small and large communities, Amanda will use short five minute lessons on how to build community in the classroom….where all school support begins!

It has become more challenging to be a teacher, and the generation of students and parents we have is one of the reasons. This workshop will explore the characteristics of Generations Z and A to better understand how to forge meaningful relationships with our students and engage them in learning. We will touch on behaviors and priorities of parents and how to communicate effectively with them. We will explore research-based data and share anecdotal experiences as we work to teach with these two generations of students. Attendees will leave with a deeper understanding of how these two generations of learners think and the reasons they operate the way they do.

This session is designed to facilitate schools, teachers and organizations with research-based strategies that guide them in the understanding of curriculum mapping and standards-based instruction. As we face the many challenges in education today, addressing instructional learning gaps is one of the most crucial. Curriculum mapping that supports standards-based instruction will address the learning loss, identify the hierarchy for targeted skills, assist in the design of mastery mindset pathways, support planning of tiered differentiated instruction, and expand ideas for alternative assessments. Participants will gain a deeper understanding of the curriculum mapping process and standards-based instructional strategies that will support them in the ultimate goal of closing the learning loss gaps and building a stronger educational future for all.

Mastering learning rotations is the first step toward creating a flexible learning environment. This workshop will explore various configurations for learning rotations (centers). It will include a framework to plan and implement a standards-based lesson using learning rotations, including how to expand a standard to an objective and essential questions, content ideas for each learning station, and classroom configuration. Attendees will leave knowing how to plan and facilitate learning rotations in a k-12 classroom.

Everywhere you turn today, you are hearing about the Science of Reading, and how we have to make sure we are using the research to close gaps. Well, if you are still wondering what all the hoopla is about, this is the session for you. In this session, you will not only learn about what the research says, but you will learn how to ensure that your school is implementing Science of Reading research and evidence-based practices to close gaps in your students’ reading abilities.

(Presented by Leia Reed of the Village Christian School, Teacher Innovation Award Winner). Join Leia Reed, one of our five Innovation Award Winners, as she takes you on a journey through the Deep Sea Tournament, a research, sculpture, mixed media, and gallery event project. Leia serves as the 3D art and ceramics teacher and Art Department chair at Village Christian. She is a Rhode Island School of Design (RISD) rebel with a BFA in painting, bringing a burst of color and a dash of spice to the world of education. Leia creates a safe and adaptable classroom where students can freely explore their creativity. It is her mission to dismantle the notion that someone is “not artistic.” Her classroom is filled with exceptional artworks from students who initially doubted their creative abilities.

(Exhibitor session presented by Math Track). The MathTrack GROWTH Framework synthesizes 40 years of mathematics education research into a coherent framework for math teacher preparation. As school leaders have observed, educators who master the principles of GROWTH greatly improve their ability to develop mathematical discourse and learning communities with students. In this talk, MathTrack Institute coFounder, Dr. Kevin Berkopes will unpack the six principles of math teacher development through an activity based experience and conversation.

The goal of reading is to comprehend, but how do we do that? You may feel you have been teaching the same skills over and over, and yet students still don’t seem to “get it”. Or they can recite back factual information but struggle with inferential reasoning and thinking beyond the text. In this session, attendees will identify evidence-based strategies that support students building comprehension skills. They will learn and apply the components that support language comprehension both in listening and reading through hands-on activities. I will provide resources and activities ready for implementation in their classrooms.

(Presented by Tricia Berg, Haston Hebrew Academy. – FACTS Teacher Innovation Winner). Join Tricia Berg, one of our five Innovation Award Winners, as she takes you on a journey through the award winning Interactive Holocaust Museum at Haston Hebrew Academy in Indianapolis, created entirely by students.

This session will provide background, research, and a deep understanding of what Orton Gillingham reading intervention is and how it supports students with dyslexia. This session constitutes the introduction to Orton Gillinham training. Participants in this training will sharpen their understanding of reading intervention and will have the foundation to proceed through the levels of Orton Gillingham training.

(Presented by Amy Szumstein, Teacher at Atlanta Academy). With a generation of young students who may have never experienced how food grows because of Covid, Instacart, & the meal delivery services that exist, this is a way to expose them to that. As natural resources like water & land become more valuable, it’s important to learn about sustainability.

The Number one question in a teacher interview is, How do you build relationships with your students. Join Rufus Lott III from Lott Educational Consulting as he discusses the importance of building 3 Dimensional Relationships in schools and classrooms as the gold standard for creating cooperative learning environments, where trust, empathy and belonging are central. Come learn how Circling, and having Classroom Huddles are key to building relationships with students so everyone has an opportunity to share, be seen, and heard.

(Exhibitor Session presented by Curriculum Trak) In this session, we will discuss the role Curriculum Trak is designed to play in a school’s instructional efforts by explore the integration opportunities between Curriculum Trak and FACTS SIS. We will outline training resources and opportunities for schools currently using Curriculum Trak.

Do you struggle with students who don’t know their math facts? Are you frustrated with timed math fact tests being the only measure of math fluency? Do you feel “stuck” because students struggle with high level math concepts because they lack foundational math skills? Well you are in luck! Join Julianne to learn how math skills develop and become fluent from early childhood through high school. Sharpen your skills in assessing foundational math skills to gain understanding of students strengths and weaknesses. Then we will learn and experience activities to implement that will build number sense and conceptual knowledge in students. Attendees will be provided with resources and activities ready for implementation in their classrooms.

(Presented by Rufus Lott, Educational Consultant). Schools across the nation are asking the same question. How do we create learning environments that support both the academic, and well-being of our students? For years we have incorporated models of differentiation into our lessons, and lesson planning, to take academic performance to new levels. But have we fully accessed the power of the differentiated classroom to increase behavioral engagement and teach behavioral expectations? 
 Flip the differentiation coin, and learn how mentoring teachers to cultivate strong classroom environments will sustain behavioral engagement, build supportive learning environments, and increase overall academic achievement in 21st century classrooms.

(Presented by Emma Milner-Gorvine, Roycemore School – FACTS Teacher Innovation Award Winner). In this innovative project, Spanish students are creating podcast series. One example is a series on Latinx music and the influence it has. While their podcast is mainly in English, students are strengthening their language skills and even more so, their cultural awareness. Another example is a podcast series on immigration from Latin America to the U.S., recorded entirely in Spanish. Students learn podcast creation by going through conception, pre-production, production, and post-production.

This PD session is designed using research based strategies to support and guide teachers to be able to accommodate students that struggle with proficiency on a given standard, and learn strategies to meet students where they are, it will also provide strategies to extend learning for students that have mastered basic skills. Teachers will learn strategies to use with students for a short or extended period of time.

Telling stories has been an integral part of the human experience since the beginning of time, but are you harnessing the power of storytelling to improve your students’ literacy skills? This session is dedicated to exploring how creative writing sessions in the classroom can not only help your students with their reading comprehension and writing skills, but also develop their individual voices with cross-disciplinary activities.

(Presented by Meghan Rakus, St. Mary Parochial School, FACTS Teacher Innovation Award Winner). Join Meghan Rakus, one of our five Innovation Award Winners, as she takes you on a journey through two-week classroom experience that allows students to value taking care of a small life while learning about its life cycle. With the assistance of a local farm, the first-grade class takes care of twelve eggs and watches them hatch in the classroom. After hatching, they learn a wide variety of skills while caring for the chicks. Student grows their ability to nurture, empathize, and explore.

We need an education reboot! This presentation highlights the pressing need for a transformation in the United States public school system, emphasizing the negative impact of its traditional “one-size-fits-all” approach on neurodiverse children, and how Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) provides the evidenced based approach needed to unlock the untapped potential. The presentation draws attention to rising rates of anxiety and depression among youth and argues for a shift towards a more personalized, learner-centered approach to education. The presentations a case example of an education institution that fosters the student’s intellectual curiosity, critical thinking, resilience, emotional intelligence, creativity, and civic responsibility, all while utilizing ABA as the foundation of teaching and learning. The presentation concludes with a call to action for a nationwide reboot of the education system to prepare students for a rapidly changing world and lifelong learning, and how to integrate ABA as part of the whole system, from students to teachers and administrators.

“They’re just lazy!” All too familiar words we may hear when working with kiddos with dyslexia, which is the furthest from the truth. Come explore the signs of dyslexia, from elementary school age to adolescence and adulthood, and bust some neurological myths by learning all about this increasingly more common learning difference and how it shows up in the brain socially, emotionally, in the classroom, and in everyday life. Dyslexia is the most common cause of reading difficulties and affects many areas of learning besides reading and spelling.

This session will explore the challenges facing education today, with an emphasis on addressing learning loss. We will discuss and share a variety of approaches that involve research-based differentiated instructional strategies to best meet the needs of today’s learners. We will offer opportunities to engage in interactive strategies, understand how to establish a student-centered learning environment, expand ways to develop tiered lesson designs that adapt to meet language/learning needs and multiple intelligences/learning styles, and how to create a mastery mindset approach for all learners to succeed. Participants will leave with a deeper understanding of the effective strategies and approaches needed to differentiate and address learning loss in our educational world today.

System Training for Brand New Users

Designed for brand new FACTS users that just recently implemented the system. These courses build on each other and must be taken in order. Limited spots.

Business Office Track for Brand New FACTS Users

Embark on a quest as we cover some basic navigation and delve into FACTS Financial Management! In this session we’ll take a glance at the Financial Management Dashboard, the Institution Profile, where Pending and Finalized Agreements are housed, where you go to find reports, some high level configuration sections, and other thrilling adventures that await you on this epic journey!

Join us for an exciting expedition into the realm of rate tables! Chart a course through the intricacies of rate tables and unlock a pathway towards more efficiency.

Explore what the journey looks like for schools utilizing the provided FACTS Payment Plans boarding methods and discover the parent experience!

Dive into this session where you’ll explore the depths of finalizing pending Payment Plans. Plunge into the differences in this process based on our two predominant boarding methods, Institution First and Institution Finalized. You’ll navigate through the steps to utilize FACTS Financial to commence payment processing by the first available payment.

Join us on a thrilling voyage into the realm of financial management. Equip yourself with the skills and insight needed to decipher billing options for making strategic choices. This training promises a journey of discovery that will empower you to chart a course for financial success.

Embark on an expedition of mastering the art of navigating Billing Admin in FACTS Financial Management. Discover new tools like hidden treasures to efficiently invoice your familes for non-tuition fees. DISCLAIMER: Session will not cover Premier Billing.

Join us on a journey through the diverse landscapes of payment plan management. Uncover the secrets to crafting personalized payment plans!

This immersive experience invites you to explore the uncharted territories of payment plan management. Navigate through interactive scenarios, make strategic decisions, and uncover the secrets to crafting personalized payment plans. Join us for an exploration into the diverse landscapes of customer needs, and emerge with the skills to chart a course for success in payment plans management.

Navigate through the most sought-after reports that many FACTS schools access, and submerge yourself in the art of filtering, organizing, and marking your favorite reports for an adventure into financial insights.

Prepare to dive into a new school year billing adventure where families still navigate the lingering balances from the previous academic year. Join this session as we explore the how to carry over prior-year balances into the tuition plans of the upcoming school year or how to orchestrate a seamless transfer to new incidental bills.

Set out on a voyage where we’ll explore the depths of managing payments in house. As we embark on this adventure, discover strategies FACTS uses to help you navigate through the challenging currents of handling delinquent accounts for your school. Uncover a wealth of knowledge as we share ways for your school to skillfully manage and conquer these delinquent accounts.

Classroom Teacher Track for Brand New FACTS Users

Never get stuck again! FACTS prides itself on our Best in Class service that provides answers you’re looking for the instant you need them! Learn more about the variety of resources available to you through things like HubHelp and FACTS^SPACE. Learn a few tips and tricks on how to utilize these resources to their full potential.

Do all your lesson planning in one place! Document class work, communicate homework to students and parents, and receive feedback from administration or a department head. Learn to save time by using Stored Lesson Plans and by copying lesson plans from one class to another or even from one day to another. Learn how to save time by saving and reusing your plans year to year!

Join FACTS on an expedition into Classroom Gradebook mastery! During our time together, we will discover the ways to configure an effective Gradebook based on your Classroom needs including the use of categories and weighting. Uncover how to configure Gradebook Options for teachers. Add, grade, and conquer assignments in the Gradebook using teacher tools. Don’t fear, the depths of Classroom Gradebook goes further. Join us for session two to explore more!

Continue with us on our expedition through Classroom Gradebook mastery! Dive into specific grading options such as standards. Navigate the additional grading tools and use the power of analytics to view your classroom achievements. Follow along with FACTS as we unlock troubleshooting tips and tricks to successfully manage your Classroom Gradebook!

Embark on a journey into the world of Report Cards with FACTS. Here you will discover the differences between the Gradebook, Progress Report and Report Cards. Explore basic Report Card options and develop a basic understanding of the Report Card screen.

Are you searching for more than just basic Classroom Report Card tools? Look no further, this may be the best discovery for you. Follow along with FACTS as we travel further into the SIS with Report Cards. Here you will be given the tools to configure codes, prepare a Report Card Formula for your Classroom, add Skill Set, and learn how to load attendance to your Report Cards. We will also provide you with tips and tricks for common troubleshooting to keep in your tool belt.

Do you need to track behavior for your students? If yes, you are in the right place. During this session, you will learn to configure behavior events using defined lists, create and track behavior events for individual students, list the ways to communicate with your school community using the SIS, and recall ways to utilize reporting for student behavior events. You will leave with knowledge of all things student behavior.

The success of your classroom starts with Attendance. Join FACTS as we peek into how Administration Configuration affects your classroom Attendance. Dive in further by exploring how you can take attendance in your classroom, run reports, and more!

Discover the power of communication as FACTS explores effective communication methods within your FACTS SIS classroom. Embark on a journey through creating and sending emails to your school community to enhance efficiency and clarity using email tools and templates. Discover the use of email groups to categorize recipients based on roles to target communication and uncover how the SIS allows you to send essential notifications.

In this session we will discuss adding classroom announcements and calendar events, upload documents and pictures for your assigned classes, adding a syllabus, grading web tests, and how to preview what the parent and student experience will look like.

In this session we will discuss and break down the Lunch Ordering opportunities within FACTS SIS – Cafeteria. This will include daily ordering by teachers within the classroom, parent ordering options with and without payment, staff ordering of their own lunches and reporting tools for tracking this information.

Explore the Classroom Dashboard with this comprehensive program designed to empower educators with advanced skills and tools for effective classroom management. This training expedition will cover the snapshot view of the FACTS SIS Classroom. Together, we will examine each dashboard card to manage your classroom efficiently and review resources available to assist you on your journey to better classroom management.

Enrollment Managers A&E Track for Brand New FACTS Users

Dive into the world of configuring and managing inquiry forms! We will learn how to enhance the parent experience when submitting inquiries and discover the seamless process of connecting inquiry submissions to an application.

Let’s chart a course together toward a more efficient, user-friendly, and future-ready admissions process! During this session, those new to using FACTS Admissions will learn how to set up and create Admissions online student application packets.

Let’s chart a course together towards a more efficient, user-friendly, and future-ready admissions process! During this session, those new to using FACTS Admissions will learn how to set up and create Admissions online student enrollment packets.

This immersive training not only guides you through the initial steps of launching your Admissions and Enrollment season, but also provides hands-on practice and real-world applications, transforming knowledge into actionable insights. Collect valuable resources to carry with you throughout your admissions adventure. Illuminate your admissions journey with practical skills and a toolkit for success!

Do you ever wonder what it’s like to walk in a parent’s shoes during the Admissions process? Well, wonder no more! Join us for an exciting session where we dive into the world of Admissions from a parent’s perspective, starting with Inquiry and ending with Enrollment. We’ll also show how you can tap into the power of the Admissions module to gain a clear view of the parent’s perspective as well as how to offer a helping hand whenever necessary.

Come ready to create! In this 2-hour workshop, we will help you begin building and organizing your Application and Enrollment forms. Whether you are new to using Admissions or ready for an Application or Enrollment form refresh, this hands-on opportunity ensures you’ll walk away with a new and fresh admissions experience for your school! Please come prepared with your current registration or admissions forms (paper or digital documents).

The world of Admissions can be a jungle, but have no fear! In this training, we’ll explore the top three mistakes made when starting out in Admissions. Focusing on common issues and how to fix them, join us for a session geared toward both first-time users and our Admissions veterans and leave with valuable strategies to avoid these common pitfalls in the Admissions process.

Join us for a session of advanced strategies to navigate common challenges in the Admissions process. This training aims to equip participants with a diverse set of tools to address issues. We’ll provide you with a comprehensive toolkit to enhance your troubleshooting tactics and by the end of this session, you will be empowered to troubleshoot Admissions hurdles with those resources at your fingertips!

Need to revamp your Inquiry, Admissions, or Reenrollment Checklist items? Are you tired of keeping track of your admissions process on paper? In this session we will take a tour through the various checklist options available to your school through FACTS SIS for Inquiry, New Student Admissions, and Reenrollment. We will review how to clean up, maintain, or define new checklist items and set available notifications for select checklist items.

In this session we will take a tour through the various admissions reports that are readily available to your school through FACTS SIS. We will look at the most popular reports that many FACTS schools use, as well as how to make use of filters, exports, and marking.

Embark on a journey as we dive into tuition contracts within the FACTS SIS Admissions module. We’ll guide you through the art of creating and effectively utilizing tuition contracts and transforming the admissions process into a seamless educational journey.

SIS Administrator Training for Brand New FACTS USERS

Discover the process of configuring attendance codes and comments, as well as recording attendance. Explore converting tardies into absences and setting up automatic attendance notification emails for attendance management.

This session is designed for Administrators and Cafeteria Coordinators who are tasked with configuring their school’s FACTS SIS Cafeteria. We will walk through how to create cafeteria groups, input menu items, add those items to the cafeteria calendar and configure your family portal for parent viewing and ordering. We will touch on some reporting tools that you can use to make sure all of these items are setup properly to meet your school’s needs.

Never get stuck again! FACTS prides itself on our Best in Class service that provides answers you’re looking for the instant you need them! Learn more about the variety of resources available to you through things like HubHelp and FACTS^SPACE. Learn a few tips and tricks on how to utilize these resources to their full potential.

Reduce data entry by gathering information from your school community (staff, students and parents) through FACTS SIS Web Forms. This session will guide you through your current forms maintenance, creating and utilizing forms that fit your schools specific needs, and tracking necessary data.

Having trouble getting parents’ information? Are they overwhelmed with countless emails? Family Portal is the gateway that connects your school to families and students. Understand your configuration options like creating calendar events and announcements, sharing grades, homework, and attendance with parents, and more. Learn to take control of what your parents and students can see and when they see it!

This session is designed for Administrators and Child Care Coordinators and is the first step in fully utilizing the Child Care area of FACTS SIS. We will configure a basic setup together utilizing Day Types, Plan Types and Time Zones while focusing on why each step is important and how they work together. Join me in my next session, Utilizing Your FACTS SIS Before, After and Summer Care Programs to dive into how it all works once your configuration is complete.

Do you need some help managing security groups and permissions for your school? Do you need to minimize the number of security groups listed in your database? Do you need to update your password character requirements? In this session learn how to effectively manage security groups based on staff roles or personas and prepare security settings within your school.

No matter if you are a small or large institution, you have much data to track. In this session we will discuss and demonstrate some best practices within FACTS SIS that will make the most of your time and resources. Everything from t-shirt sizes to program requirements, FACTS SIS has a place to catch all the data!

In today’s educational landscape, maintaining meaningful and efficient communication with families is paramount for success. This course focuses on leveraging advanced communication tools within FACTS SIS to establish and nurture strong parent-school relationships. Participants will gain practical insights and skills to elevate their parent/family communication strategies, ensuring a seamless and personalized experience.

Understanding the significance of portfolio management is essential to saving time and energy on requests for past documentation from your school. This session is a comprehensive course designed to equip you with the knowledge and skills necessary to effectively set up and manage information kept in online portfolios within FACTS SIS.

Would you like to use FACTS SIS to track positive and negative behaviors for your students? If yes, you have discovered the right place! Take time with FACTS as we embark on a journey to configure behavior events using defined lists, create and track behavior events for individual students, list the ways to communicate with your school community within the SIS, and recall ways to utilize reporting for student behavior events.

Learn how to automate FACTS SIS tasks usually performed manually by an Administrator. These tasks include: sending attendance emails, gradebook reports, and behavior updates to parents.

FACTS System Training

Designed for FACTS users with 1+ years experience.

Business Office Training (1+ Years Experience)

Embark on an expedition of mastering the art of navigating Billing Admin in FACTS Financial Management. Discover new tools like hidden treasures to efficiently invoice your familes for non-tuition fees. DISCLAIMER: Session will not cover Premier Billing.

This immersive experience invites you to explore the uncharted territories of payment plan management. Navigate through interactive scenarios, make strategic decisions, and uncover the secrets to crafting personalized payment plans that guarantee customer satisfaction. Join us for an exploration into the diverse landscapes of customer needs, and emerge with the skills to chart a course for success in payment plans management.

Navigate split and blended family billing complexities with precision, and discover innovative solutions as you successfully sail through the challenges. This session will serve as your compass through family dynamics considerations, ensuring smooth billing navigation for each unique situation.

Note: This session is for schools who currently are, or are going to be, utilizing Premier Billing.

Hour 1 of this session will navigate through the different options and challenges of utilizing Premier Billing for Lunches, best practices, tips and tricks. In Hour 2, we will continue to review groundbreaking solutions, with the goal to transform the lunch billing landscape into a well-charted territory. Join us for the grand finale as Premier Billing and Cafeteria redefine the lunchtime experience, one bill at a time.

Note: This session is for schools who currently are, or are going to be, utilizing Premier Billing. Hour 1 of this session will navigate through the different options and challenges of utilizing Premier Billing for Lunches, best practices, tips and tricks. In Hour 2, we will continue to review groundbreaking solutions, with the goal to transform the lunch billing landscape into a well-charted territory. Join us for the grand finale as Premier Billing and Cafeteria redefine the lunchtime experience, one bill at a time.

(For Premier Integrated schools). Embark on a journey as a parent navigating the uncharted waters of the Family Portal. This Premier Parent Experience will act as a guide, navigating through the steps of creating and accessing a Family Portal account to enhance the familiar connection to education and finance. Be ready to knowledgeably answer your families’ questions after attending this session!

Join us for an exciting expedition into the realm of rate tables! Chart a course through the intricacies of rate tables and unlock a pathway towards more efficiency.

Classroom Teacher/Academic Dean System Training (1+ years experience)

Are you searching for more than just basic Classroom Report Card tools? Look no further, this may be the best discovery for you. Follow along with FACTS as we travel further into the SIS with Report Cards. Here you will be given the tools to configure codes, prepare a Report Card Formula for your Classroom, add Skill Set, and learn how to load attendance to your Report Cards. We will also provide you with tips and tricks for common troubleshooting to keep in your tool belt.

Prepare your classroom for subjective grades on specific items of competence for younger students and older students, too! Whether elementary or high school, skill based grading can greatly benefit your teaching. Join the opportunity to move your gradebook from knowledge-based learning to hands-on practice and real-world application.

In this session we will discuss and break down the Lunch Ordering opportunities within FACTS SIS – Cafeteria. This will include daily ordering by teachers within the classroom, parent ordering options with and without payment, staff ordering of their own lunches and reporting tools for tracking this information.

Prepare to use FACTS SIS for scheduling across all grade levels by configuring the school year, establishing a bell schedule if necessary, and managing your courses and classes. We’ll also guide you through the process of enrolling groups of students into their classes with just a few clicks!

(Hands-On 2 hour Workshop)

In this workshop we will review the main features on the classroom screen, followed by facilitated working time to collaborate and practice taking attendance, sending emails, editing your classroom dashboard, creating assignments and filling out your lesson plan.

Join an educational expedition into the world of Standards-Based Grading! Whether you’re a newcomer seeking an introduction or an experienced educator aiming to refine existing standards, this hands-on learning opportunity is tailor-made for you. Join us on this journey to enhance your understanding and preparation for implementing Standards-Based Grading in your school.

Discover the power of Gradebook Setup in System > Configuration. Embark on a journey through defining gradebook default settings for each course level. Discover how to copy these settings to your class sections to create consistant gradebooks for your teachers, with individual customization allowed as needed.

In this session we will discuss and break down the Lunch Ordering opportunities within FACTS SIS – Cafeteria. This will include daily ordering by teachers within the classroom, parent ordering options with and without payment, staff ordering of their own lunches and reporting tools for tracking this information.

In the ever-evolving world of education, fostering effective communication between teachers and parents is paramount. “Mastering the Parent-Teacher Scheduler,” is specifically tailored to empower educators with the knowledge and skills required to seamlessly schedule and manage meetings with parents through the FACTS SIS system.

Prepare to use FACTS SIS for scheduling across all grade levels by configuring the school year, establishing a bell schedule if necessary, and managing your courses and classes. We’ll also guide you through the process of enrolling groups of students into their classes with just a few clicks!

(Hands-On 2 hour Workshop)

In this workshop we will review the main features on the classroom screen, followed by facilitated working time to collaborate and practice taking attendance, sending emails, editing your classroom dashboard, creating assignments and filling out your lesson plan.

Work while you learn! For a Teacher, the Gradebook is one of the most important things to manage. Learn how to configure your gradebook options, set up your grading categories, create, and grade assignments. Plus some tips and tricks to make this process as easy as possible!

Join an educational expedition into the world of Standards-Based Grading! Whether you’re a newcomer seeking an introduction or an experienced educator aiming to refine existing standards, this hands-on learning opportunity is tailor-made for you. Join us on this journey to enhance your understanding and preparation for implementing Standards-Based Grading in your school.

Interested in having FACTS SIS generate student schedules on your behalf? In this session, we’ll guide you through the process of configuring parameters and restrictions within FACTS SIS. We’ll also showcase the three methods for running the Auto Scheduler, making class scheduling and student enrollment a breeze!

Enrollment Managers A&E System Training (1+ Years experience)

Come ready to create! In this workshop, we will help you get started with building and organizing your Application and Enrollment forms. Whether you are new to using Admissions or ready for an application or enrollment form refresh, this hands-on opportunity ensures you’ll walk away with a new and fresh admissions experience for your parents to embark on! Please come prepared with your current registration or admissions forms (paper or digital doc).

Come ready to create! In this workshop, we will help you get started with building and organizing your Application and Enrollment forms. Whether you are new to using Admissions or ready for an application or enrollment form refresh, this hands-on opportunity ensures you’ll walk away with a new and fresh admissions experience for your parents to embark on! Please come prepared with your current registration or admissions forms (paper or digital doc).

Come ready to create! In this workshop, we will help you get started with building and organizing your Application and Enrollment forms. Whether you are new to using Admissions or ready for an application or enrollment form refresh, this hands-on opportunity ensures you’ll walk away with a new and fresh admissions experience for your parents to embark on! Please come prepared with your current registration or admissions forms (paper or digital doc).

IT Directors System Training (All Levels)

Go behind the scenes of software development at FACTS, including an introduction to agile development methodologies and best practices. We will review Scrum, Kanban and other frameworks, as well as how FACTS handles code reviews and best coding practices.

We will review how our dev teams prioritize our work and intake requests, how we define “what” we will develop, “how” we execute that development, and exactly what goes into releasing software?

How does FACTS test our software before release? Learn about the combination of both manual and automated testing we use before releasing our software into the wild; as well as our debugging techniques.

FACTS has plenty of integrations available with both our SIS and Payment Plans, but what are they and how do you access them? How do we decide to partner with what software and how do we execute those integrations?

What is the status of our FACTS API Developer Portal and how can it be useful to you and your school? How can you use the API portal to extract your SIS data and do your own custom development? Visit with our development team and Product Manager of Integrations to talk about the future of integrations at FACTS and why interoperability is so important.

We will cover both our end user custom solution (FACTS SIS Customization Kit) as well as our own custom development solutions. We will showcase the top three most common user cases and discuss when we decide to employ custom development vs. a system-wide enhancement.

What is the technical vision of our Student Information System and how do we create that vision? How do we create our future roadmap and what role does FACTS^SPACE Product feedback play in our planning? Understand where we are making investments and what benefit our clients can expect.

It’s on the horizon! Join us for a more tactical course on our MFA solution and why schools should encourage opting in. We will also go over the future of SAML 2.0 and Active Directory Integration and how it can assist you with managing your school users.

Did you know cyberattacks happen to schools on average more than once a day? K12 institutions are under constant threat from evolving dangers like AI-powered phishing scams and social engineering attacks targeting students and staff. This talk dives deep into the unique challenges K12 schools face in the cybersecurity landscape. We’ll explore real-world examples and offer practical, budget-friendly solutions you can implement to strengthen your defenses. Learn how to stay informed about the latest threats, train your staff and students to be vigilant, and leverage innovative tactics to keep your school’s data secure. By working together, we can create a safer digital learning environment for everyone.

Connect with fellow IT Directors from across the country in this small group networking session. Questions can be submitted in advance, with a FACTS expert facilitating the discussion. Get ready to make new connections and share tips and tricks of the trade!

Learn what’s next for FACTS SIS and get answers to your product questions at this special session. Join SIS product expert Greg Stuckey for this special session where you’ll hear about new product features and updates, plus learn helpful tips on using SIS in your daily operations.

Learn what’s next for FACTS Payment Plans and get answers to your product questions at this special session. Join Payment Plans product expert Traci Wardman for this special session where you’ll hear about new product features and updates, plus learn helpful tips on using Payment Plans in your daily operations.

SIS Administrator System Training (1+ Years Training)

Blast off on a cosmic adventure journeying through the vast space of SIS Reporting. Navigate the intricacies of creating your own reporting, charting uncharted territories in the SIS universe. From hands-on exercises to real-world applications, acquire the skills to navigate this expansive realm equipped with the tools to boldly go where no Reporting has gone before!

This session is designed for anyone tasked with using FACTS SIS for their Before, After, or Summer Care Program needs. Together we will walk through how internal staff and parents can clock students in and out in live time using Student Clock and the Drop off/Pickup Kiosk. We will discuss best practices for when time entry is incorrect or missed and how to rectify those mistakes easily using the Student Time Sheet. Learn how to use Report Manager, to review the reporting possibilities connected to Child Care within FACTS SIS.

Is your database a mess? This session is designed to teach you about the FACTS reports and tools designed to proactively manage your database.

This session is for ANYONE who needs to pull demographic data out of FACTS SIS or is tasked with gathering information in mass from your database. We will discuss basic utilization, applying filters, exporting the data out of FACTS SIS and saving your reports for future use.

(For Premier Integrated schools). Embark on a journey as a parent navigating the uncharted waters of the Family Portal. This Premier Parent Experience will act as a guide, navigating through the steps of creating and accessing a Family Portal account to enhance the familiar connection to education and finance. Be ready to knowledgeably answer your families’ questions after attending this session!

Discover the power of communication as FACTS explores effective communication methods within FACTS SIS. Embark on a journey through creating and sending emails to your school community to enhance efficiency and clarity using email tools and templates. Discover the use of email groups to categorize recipients based on roles to target communication and uncover how the SIS allows you to send urgent and essential notifications through Parent Alert for immediate outreach.

In the event of a divorce or separation, things get complicated. Learn how to manage those complex family situations to ensure correct SIS setup for privacy, security, and accounting purposes when students have multiple families.

Never get stuck again! FACTS prides itself on our Best in Class service that provides answers you’re looking for the instant you need them! Learn more about the variety of resources available to you through things like HubHelp and FACTS^SPACE. Learn a few tips and tricks on how to utilize these resources to their full potential.

In this session you will demonstrate configuring user defined fields to collect data for your students and families, how to link these fields to the admissions and webform areas, and report on the data collected.

The school year is over; what can be used in Google Classroom for the upcoming school year? Learn the steps teachers and administrators should take to end the school year in Google Classroom and prepare for a new year.

This session is designed for Administrators and Cafeteria Coordinators who are tasked with getting their schools FACTS SIS Cafeteria area configured. We will walk through how to create cafeteria groups, input menu items, add those items to the cafeteria calendar and configure your family portal for parent viewing and ordering. We will touch on some reporting tools that you can use to make sure all of these items are setup properly to meet your school’s needs.

(2 Hour Hands-On Workshop) It’s finally the end of the school year! Now what? In this session, we will show you how to wrap up your year with tasks including how to archive report cards and transcripts, progressing students to the next grade level, and how to configure various areas for a successful start to the next school year.

Dive into the abyss of Premier Billing’s functionality, where FACTS SIS becomes your trusty submarine in the ocean of non-tuition billing needs. In this session, we will uncover hidden treasures of knowledge and skills by covering navigation and best practices when needing to bill families for items not included in standard tuition. Note: this session is intended for schools who currently are, or are going to be, utilizing Premier Billing.

In this workshop there will be a short review of schedule creation utilizing the Auto Scheduler followed by facilitated working time to collaborate and create your schedule. Prerequisites for this session include the ability to create templates, build schedule patterns, and collect course requests from students. Please come prepared with students having course requests collected in the SIS for the 24-25 school year.

Thinking of using the auto scheduler in the FACTS SIS? Take this session first! Course requests are a required element for the auto scheduler, ensuring students are placed in the correct classes for the coming school year. In this session, we will cover how to set up course requirements and allow students to request courses they would like to take.

This session is designed for anyone tasked with using FACTS SIS for their Before, After, or Summer Care Program needs. Together we will walk through how internal staff and parents can clock students in and out in live time using Student Clock and the Drop off/Pickup Kiosk. We will discuss best practices for when time entry is incorrect or missed and how to rectify those mistakes easily using the Student Time Sheet. Learn how to use Report Manager, to review the reporting possibilities connected to Child Care within FACTS SIS.

Discover the power of communication as FACTS explores effective communication methods within FACTS SIS. Embark on a journey through creating and sending emails to your school community to enhance efficiency and clarity using email tools and templates. Discover the use of email groups to categorize recipients based on roles to target communication and uncover how the SIS allows you to send urgent and essential notifications through Parent Alert for immediate outreach.

In the event of a divorce or separation, things get complicated. Learn how to manage those complex family situations to ensure correct SIS setup for privacy, security, and accounting purposes when students have multiple families.

Never get stuck again! FACTS prides itself on our Best in Class service that provides answers you’re looking for the instant you need them! Learn more about the variety of resources available to you through things like HubHelp and FACTS^SPACE. Learn a few tips and tricks on how to utilize these resources to their full potential.

Having trouble getting parents’ information? Are they overwhelmed with countless emails? Family Portal is the gateway that connects your school to families and students. Understand your configuration options like creating calendar events and announcements, sharing grades, homework, and attendance with parents, and more. Learn to take control of what your parents and students can see and when they see it!

Join FACTS as we discover ways FACTS SIS helps manage school communities including students, family individuals, and staff members. Add individuals into your SIS database and learn how the SIS relieves manual work. Embark on a journey maintaining your school community within your database.

Additional Product Training

This session is for school accountants that are already using Advanced Accounting that would like some additional training or explanation of the FACTS Month-end Checklist process.

New to the FACTS Family Custom App or thinking of implementing it at your school next year? Join our team for A – Z training and best practices.

New to FACTS Giving or thinking of implementing it at your school next year? Join our Giving team for A – Z training.

Determining an award amount is a balancing act between the families need, available funding, enrollment goals, and your school or organization’s mission. In this session we will discuss awarding techniques, how to leverage the FACTS system to help automate awarding, and ways to analyze the effectiveness of your tuition assistance program.

Eager to effectively navigate and grow your FACTS School Site website’s effectiveness? In this course, a FACTS School Site expert will teach you to master our Content Management System (CMS) in School Site to strategically communicate with current and prospective families. Ready to master the announcement and calendar functions, navigate through the page builder, create and edit forms, and upload and organize your files? This session will make sure you are equipped and ready for your new prospects and returning families this fall.

Setting your families up for success during the application process not only reduces their stress – but can save you lots of time as well! In this session we will go through the family process in FACTS Grant & Aid, customization options, reviewing family progress during the application season, and other tips for helping create a smooth experience.

This session is designed for school accountants not currently using FACTS Advanced Accounting software. We will provide an opportunity to learn more about what features the software offers and the benefits it provides!

FACTS in the Real World / Collaboration Corner

Designed for FACTS users with 3+ years experience


Presented by Tracy Smith, FACTS Enrollment Management Specialist
Why are some schools on board with this enrollment model and why do others stick with traditional enrollment? After attending this session, you’ll be aware of all the advantages of Continuous Enrollment as well as the potential pitfalls to avoid. After helping hundreds of schools weigh the merits of this model, I’ll make sure you walk away with key considerations for your school.

Presented by Tracy Smith, FACTS Enrollment Management Specialist
If you’re in admissions, you’re a matchmaker! Learn the secrets to swooning your prospective parents as they walk along their journey to choosing the best school for their family. Leading admissions is a lot like dating, courting, and exciting engagement parties! Learn how to confidently court your prospects to prepare them to make a long-term commitment to your school.

Presented by Tracy Smith, FACTS Enrollment Management Specialist

If you’re wondering what your school needs to do to pick up the pace and become more successful in admissions, perhaps you need an admissions check-up! I’ll help you do a quick assessment of your overall process and put a prescription in your hands that will likely revive, invigorate, or accelerate your ability to reach healthier enrollment levels. No pain involved during this check-up, but it just might be the shot in the arm you need!

Presented by Robin Parrish, FACTS Enrollment Management Specialist
If you’re in admissions, you’re an event planner! This session will include collaborative discussion about admission events you’ll want to consider for your school, as well as ways to promote them to your prospective families, and how to capture your registrations.

Presented by Robin Parrish, FACTS Enrollment Management Specialist
Effective and frequent communication is essential in admissions. Let’s leverage, customize, and personalize the communication FACTS has already prepared for you so you can connect with more people, and provide inquires with the right message at the right time.


(Presented by Erin Martin, Registrar at McKinney Christian School, Mckinney, Texas) Ever wondered what a typical day looks like for a registrar? Find out in this engaging session with McKinney Christian School Registrar Erin Martin, where she’ll share an in-depth look into her role as a FACTS Registrar. She’ll share insights, tips, and best practices she’s learned along the way. This session is perfect for attendees just beginning registrar roles with their schools, experienced registrars looking for new ways to approach their day-to-day tasks, or anyone interested in learning more about this role.

Did you know FACTS can help organize and execute your teacher observations, complete informed evaluations, and provide tailored professional development. This session will showcase how FACTS can be an end-to-end solution to streamline the teacher observation process while ensuring personalized and effective follow-up professional development.

Tired of keeping your teacher records, evaluations, observations, HR information in four different places? Learn how FACTS SIS can be used as your system of record as an instructional leader, improving your teacher efficacy and student performance in the process!

(Presented by Ellen Starkey, Counselor at St. Luke’s Episcopal School, Baton Rouge, Louisiana) Many counselors’ primary use of FACTS is limited to scheduling, report cards, and transcripts. In this digital age, paper records are time consuming, tedious, and voluminous. FACTS provides numerous features that will save time, money, and aggravation for counselors In this seminar we will investigate shortcuts for tracking counseling sessions, various parent/teacher conferences tracking, teacher conferences (with the counselor), accessing prior behavior issues, enrollment history, and of course grades.

In this interactive education conference session, educators and school administrators will discover the powerful synergy between FACTS Student Information System (SIS) and Google Classroom. We’ll explore how integrating these two platforms can revolutionize classroom management, streamline administrative tasks, and ultimately improve student success. Understand the advantages of integrating FACTS SIS and Google Classroom, including real-time data synchronization, simplified grading, and efficient communication, Explore how the integration ensures that your Google Classroom sections accurately reflect your FACTS SIS classes, saving time and reducing errors, and discover strategies for utilizing Google Classroom to enhance student engagement through digital assignments, discussions, and collaborative projects.

Presented by Stephanie Griffin, Asst. Head of Academics – Trinity Episcopal School.

As educators aim to implement more ethical, equitable grading and assessment practices in their classrooms and schools, the capturing and reporting of this work remains paramount. In order to accurately implement standards-based grading practices, educators must create structures and protocols beyond that of classroom instruction and assessment in order to best meet the needs of students. This presentation will aim to pull back the curtain on the systems-level change needed to implement standards-based grading and assessment. Guided by the features and tools within FACTS, participants will learn how they can implement standards-based grading with integrity and accuracy as we all aim to bring grading practices into the 21st Century.

Presented by Jeremy Ludwig, Systems Admin-Evansville Christian School and Courtney Haindel, Customer Success Marketing Manager – NBS

Did you know you can store just about ANY information in FACTS SIS? Custom fields for students, families, staff, courses, classes and more allow you to track, manage and analyze your school-specific information in FACTS SIS. No need to keep all those extra spreadsheets!

Ready to ditch all those filing cabinets and keep everything digitally in FACTS SIS? Sound like a pipe dream? Never fear, you can! Learn how FACTS SIS can store and organize all of your student records, as well as allowing parents to grab copies of what they need (new feature!)

(Presented by Claire Albano, FACTS Customer Relationship Manager/Former Teacher) Proper utilization of FACTS SIS is vital for your teaching staff to have a great year. Come learn from a former teacher how to make your staffs’ school lives much simpler by just implementing a few easy processes at your school.

(Presented by Claire Albano, FACTS Customer Relationship Manager/Former Teacher) Gone are the days of standing at the copy machine. Come learn how to create a totally paperless classroom from bellringer to exit quiz using FACTS SIS and LMS.

(Presented by Erin Sellers and Amy McCullough, Fellowship Christian School, Roswell, Georgia) Have you experienced the power of Course Requests? Come learn how to use course requests to your advantage. Whether you want to use pre-set prerequisites or teacher recommendations, Amy and Erin will show you how they use FACTS to help with creating a master schedule. Note: This workshop is not for beginners. Participants will need to know how to create courses, classes, and course requests in FACTS.

(Presented by Melissa Kummerer, Project Manager – Regents School of Austin, Austin, TX) Depending on who you ask, approximately 15-20% of US school-aged students have some diagnosed learning need. In order to retain these students and equip them to succeed, we developed a learning program to provide appropriate accommodations for students. We created a process using multiple system areas from FACTS (UDF, Portfolio, Alerts, Webforms, Report Manager, Activities) to track and manage students who have been granted learning accommodations. We will talk about what we’re doing for various situations, how we communicate and report, and look forward to questions and comments from participants.

FACTS Payment Plans

Presented by Megan Fangmeyer, Manager, FACTS Product Team

The school choice movement has been growing and changing rapidly over the past few years. We will discuss ways to use FACTS Grant & Aid and Tuition Management products to help track and manage families receiving assistance from state programs.

Presented by Leighann Harris, Senior Director Of Finance & Business Development & Larissa Galloway, Tuition Management and Accounts Receivable Specialist, The First Academy, Orlando FL

With the expansion of the Florida School Choice Scholarship program, many Florida schools have experienced a significant increase in the number of students on scholarships. The First Academy has gone from approximately 225 students receiving scholarships to 900 and counting! Learn how The First Academy has used FACTS to automate many payment plan processes and lessen the burden that can come with processing and maintaining accurate records related to scholarships.

Join us for a discussion on the strategic implementation of optimal tuition policies through the utilization of FACTS Tuition and Billing. In this session, we will explore different types of policies, how to implement and navigate implementation through the complex landscape of tuition collections that benefit both families, students, and institutions.

Gather and Grow Networking Sessions

Connect with fellow Business Managers from across the country in this small group networking session. Questions can be submitted in advance, with a FACTS expert facilitating the discussion. Get ready to make new connections and share tips and tricks of the trade!

Connect with fellow Enrollment Managers from across the country in this small group networking session. Questions can be submitted in advance, with a FACTS expert facilitating the discussion. Get ready to make new connections and share tips and tricks of the trade!

Connect with fellow Lower School Principals from across the country in this small group networking session. Questions can be submitted in advance, with a FACTS expert facilitating the discussion. Get ready to make new connections and share tips and tricks of the trade!

Connect with fellow Middle School Principals from across the country in this small group networking session. Questions can be submitted in advance, with a FACTS expert facilitating the discussion. Get ready to make new connections and share tips and tricks of the trade!

Connect with fellow Upper School Principals from across the country in this small group networking session. Questions can be submitted in advance, with a FACTS expert facilitating the discussion. Get ready to make new connections and share tips and tricks of the trade!

Connect with fellow SIS Admins f from across the country in this small group networking session. Questions can be submitted in advance, with a FACTS expert facilitating the discussion. Get ready to make new connections and share tips and tricks of the trade!

Connect with fellow Financial Aid Directors from across the country in this small group networking session. Questions can be submitted in advance, with a FACTS expert facilitating the discussion. Get ready to make new connections and share tips and tricks of the trade!

Connect with fellow Registrars from across the country in this small group networking session. Questions can be submitted in advance, with a FACTS expert facilitating the discussion. Get ready to make new connections and share tips and tricks of the trade!

Connect with fellow IT Directors from across the country in this small group networking session. Questions can be submitted in advance, with a FACTS expert facilitating the discussion. Get ready to make new connections and share tips and tricks of the trade!

Fireside Chats

Feeling inspired by Erin’s keynote speech? Keep the conversation going! Join Erin for this special conversation following her keynote, where attendees will have the chance to ask questions, share their own experiences, and learn more about Erin’s incredible story. Attendance is limited, so make sure to reserve your space!

Want to learn what’s next for FACTS? Join FACTS President Scott Spethman for a discussion where he’ll answer attendee questions, discuss the FACTS roadmap, and talk more about the future of edtech. Come with questions and get ready to engage!

Have you participated in FACTS^SPACE, our FACTS Community? Visit with our Community Managers IRL (in Real Life) to give input on communities, product feedback, and what you would like to see in the future!

Learn about our newest product, FACTS Data Analytics, with Director of Product Jeremy Penner. Jeremy will share more about this product’s features, answer questions about practical applications in your school, and discuss the roadmap as FACTS continues to prioritize data.

Learn what’s next for FACTS A&E and get answers to your product questions at this special session. Join A&E product expert Kemp Tucker for this special session where you’ll hear about new product features and updates, plus learn helpful tips on using A&E in your daily operations.

Learn what’s next for FACTS Grant & Aid Assessment and get answers to your product questions at this special session. Join FGAA product expert Megan Fangmeyer for this special session where you’ll hear about new product features and updates, plus learn helpful tips on using FGAA in your daily operations.

Learn what’s next for FACTS Payment Plans and get answers to your product questions at this special session. Join Payment Plans product expert Traci Wardman for this special session where you’ll hear about new product features and updates, plus learn helpful tips on using Payment Plans in your daily operations.

Learn what’s next for FACTS SIS and get answers to your product questions at this special session. Join SIS product expert Greg Stuckey for this special session where you’ll hear about new product features and updates, plus learn helpful tips on using SIS in your daily operations.