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Financial Management


Financial Management

Top Elevate Sessions for Business Managers

Have you started planning your schedule for Elevate 2023 yet? To help you get started, we've handpicked some sessions perfect for the Business Manager in your school.
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Financial Management

Getting Started with FACTS

Whether you’re just getting started with FACTS or looking to refresh your skills, it’s important to have a resource to turn to for basic training. Learn more about the New Contact Training center and what modules are available for users.
Read More about Getting Started with FACTS about Getting Started with FACTS
Financial Management

How to Record an Institution Issued Refund

Are your refunds accurately captured in your system? This helpful step-by-step guide shows you how to get started with updating your school refund records.
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Financial Management

The Importance of Financial Literacy and Its Impact on Students

Financial literacy isn't just for adults. We're taking a closer look at how teaching students to manage their finances from an early age can set them up for higher education and future financial success.
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Financial Management

How to Update Your Roster in Tuition Management

It's always a good idea to make sure that your records are accurate. Let FACTS walk you through how to clean up your tuition management roster and ensure that student data is correctly reflected in your system.
Read More about How to Update Your Roster in Tuition Management about How to Update Your Roster in Tuition Management
Financial Management

Help Families Manage Their Finances with FACTS

FACTS makes it easy for schools to help families manage their finances. Whether you're making tough aid decisions or adjusting fees, these tools will keep both schools and families on track.
Read More about Help Families Manage Their Finances with FACTS about Help Families Manage Their Finances with FACTS
Financial Management

Mastering Donor Retention: Winning FACTS Giving Strategies

Let's face it: keeping donors engaged and continuously supportive is no walk in the park. As you start planning your spring fundraising efforts, here are our top tips on how you can master donor retention and create a lasting impact.
Read More about Mastering Donor Retention: Winning FACTS Giving Strategies about Mastering Donor Retention: Winning FACTS Giving Strategies


Financial Management

Financial Aid Trends for Independent Schools

Read More about Financial Aid Trends for Independent Schools about Financial Aid Trends for Independent Schools
Financial Management

Guide to Business – For New School Heads

Read More about Guide to Business – For New School Heads about Guide to Business – For New School Heads