Amy Lehnert

Empowering Education: How E-Rate Funding Transforms Internet Access for Schools

In an era where education increasingly hinges on digital resources, ensuring that every student has access to high-speed internet isn’t just a goal—it’s a necessity. Enter the E-rate program, a federal initiative designed to make high-speed internet access affordable and
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Classroom Experience

Beyond EANS and ESSER: Embracing Title Funds for Sustainable School Success

As we approach September 2024, private school administrators are bracing for the expiration of both Emergency Assistance to Non-Public Schools (EANS) and Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) funds. These resources have been instrumental in supporting schools through the
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FACTS FACTS Ed School Operations
Classroom Experience FACTS Financial Management School Operations

Bridging the Gap: Combating Summer Learning Loss with a Comprehensive Summer School Plan

As summer approaches, educators and administrators are tasked with addressing the critical issue of summer learning loss. Read on for FACTS’ solution: a comprehensive summer school plan.
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FACTS FACTS Ed School Operations
Classroom Experience FACTS Summer Learning