FACTS Education Solutions has launched its instructional coaching program, which will help students receive the best education possible by improving the quality of instruction teachers deliver, through courses and professional coaches.

FACTS Ed consults with administrators and teachers, and partners with schools to develop a customized instructional coaching experience. Built-in Vosaic video coaching technology and the flexibility to participate from anywhere positions teachers (and ultimately students) for success.

Teachers who participate in this program work with a trained, certified FACTS Ed associate who has studied the science of coaching to jointly discover focus areas of teacher development that will lead to student achievement. They interact 1:1 or in groups with a FACTS Ed coach who leads honest, best-practice-based discussions.

The FACTS Ed coaching program will be delivered in six-week cycles, which can take place virtually, in person, or in a hybrid fashion. Each cycle is completely customizable to a school’s needs, but typically focuses on one of five key areas:

  1. Distance Teaching & Learning
  2. Planning for Teaching & Learning
  3. Instructional Strategies
  4. Formative Assessment Strategies
  5. Classroom Community Building & Engagement Strategies

In addition to improving the quality of instruction, the FACTS Ed coaching program saves the valuable time of principals and heads of school. FACTS Ed’s professional coaches conduct in-depth coaching to enrich the teaching and learning experience for the school’s educators, students, and families.

“Coaching is an opportunity for mutual active collaboration with teachers,” said Dr. Susan Abelein, academic coaching manager for FACTS Education Solutions. “No two teachers, and no two schools are exactly alike – by having a conversation about the challenges they’re facing or areas they’d like to address, we help support each teacher in a unique way.”

This program is eligible for Title I, II, III, or IV funds. Learn more about FACTS Ed Coaching.